Semiconductor failure analysis labs

Failure analysis labs are facing increasing pressure for fast, repeatable prep and characterization of samples to accelerate time-to market and increase the yield ramp. Inherent variability in conventional TEM technology, such as image distortion, can result in untrustworthy data and delays in analysis. 

In order to keep up with tight lab and foundry workflows, lab managers and failure analysis engineers need a reliable turnkey scanning transmission electron microscope that offers fast, reproducible, and trustworthy results at an affordable price.

What you will learn in this webinar

The new Thermo Fisher Scientific scanning transmission electron microscope is the first general purpose lab TEM targeted at the specific application needs of the semiconductor industry. It minimizes image distortion and variability (≤1% image distortion), and offers 1.5x energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis speed compared with prior models.

These features allow lab managers and failure analysis engineers to get fast and repeatable results using a broad range of analytical techniques. The new scanning transmission electron microscope incorporates true turnkey applications for most general-purpose analysis work, helping inexperienced users easily analyze a wide range of samples and get trustworthy data, without the need for advanced training.

  • Learn about Thermo Fisher’s new easy-to-use, mid-range S/TEM and its performance capabilities.
  • Learn how to achieve reproducibility and guaranteed performance with auto-alignments, auto-S/TEM image optimization, and auto-orientation.
  • Learn how to increase productivity and sample yield with faster and cleaner EDS
  • Learn about the versatility of our new S/TEM for tomography, strain measurements, and in-situ applications.

Who should attend this webinar

  • Service lab managers
  • Logic and memory failure analysis lab managers

About the Semiconductor SPARK Webinar Series

Save time, save money, and stay on top of semiconductor technology advancement at SPARK, a knowledge platform from Thermo Fisher Scientific. 

SPARK is a collaborative community where semiconductor professionals can share semiconductor and microelectronic insights, provide perspectives on tool performance and best practices, learn about new product solutions, and stay informed on industry and technology trends.

About the speaker:
Speaker: Dr. Dong Tang, TEM Product Marketing Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Dr. Dong Tang, TEM Product Marketing Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Dr. Dong Tang is a TEM Product Marketing Manager in Semiconductor Business unit, Thermo Fisher Scientific. A trained microscopist, he has served the company for 25 years, starting from Philips Electron Optics as an application specialist. Part of his current job responsibility is to translate new TEM techniques into applications and customer requirements into new developments for the semiconductor market. Dr. Tang holds a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in physics.

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