Choosing between manual and electronic pipetting can be challenging. Manual pipettes are often more affordable, but they have limited capabilities and are often the culprit of laboratory hand strain. On the other hand, electronic pipettes with motorized pipetting action can reduce thumb and wrist strain. They can also increase your efficiency by aspirating and dispensing the programmed amount of fluid, while regulating aspiration and dispensing rates to ensure consistent results regardless of the operator or liquid type.
Below are a few examples of how an electronic pipette can help you in your laboratory work. For these examples we highlight how using the Thermo Scientific™ ClipTip™ Pipetting System in these four common tasks can help increase your confidence in pipetting. The pipetting system locks tips firmly in place so they will not loosen or leak, regardless of application pressure.
Filling plates with reagents
Using an E1-ClipTip Equalizer Pipette with adjustable spacing, you can fill an entire well-plate in just a few swift motions. Electronic tip attachment and ejection helps your hand relax for optimum comfort and ease of use.
Creating a dilution series
Dilutions involve several repetitive pipetting steps including filling, mixing and dispensing. Gain efficiency by using an E1-ClipTip Pipette which can be programmed to mix the samples and perform a full dilution series with ease.
Transferring samples from one vessel to another
With a slide of a finger across an equalizer pipette, adjust your tip spacing to the desired distance to transfer between different sized vessels with ease. You can save up to 80% of your time when transferring samples from microcentrifuge tubes to 96-well plates using the E1-ClipTip Equalizer Pipetting System.
Preparing a reagent master mix
Comfortably work in a controlled airflow environment when using the compact, lightweight E1-ClipTip Single Channel Pipette with index finger pipetting action. Pre-program your protocols with the My Pipette Creator app, enabled by Bluetooth® technology to quickly transfer the protocol to your pipette. For faster and even more reliable results, choose from a list of pre-programmed protocols for some of the most common qPCR reagents.
ClipTip Pipetting technology makes daily pipetting a totally new experience. The pipetting system locks tips firmly in place so they will not loosen or leak, regardless of application pressure. This system helps enable consistent and reproducible pipetting from user to user leading to higher-quality results and more efficient research.
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