Orbitrap Exploris GC-MS key benefits

Evolved to exceed the demands of everyday testing, the Orbitrap Exploris GC mass spectrometer simplifies operations and delivers consistently accurate results. The power of built-in intelligence, sensitivity and selectivity delivers depth of analysis to the lowest levels with high quantitative accuracy and precision. Scale up your research and translate your results rapidly and simply.

This powerful GC-MS system can help you:

Power laboratory productivityEnsure certainty in resultsMaximize uptimeExplore new opportunities
Simplify analytical workflows with the compact Orbitrap Exploris GC mass spectrometer, which brings the versatility of full-scan, high-resolution accurate-mass data to screening and quantitation. With proven robustness and reliability across all applications, the system delivers accurate results sample after sample.Reduce time spent evaluating data and increase confidence with exceptional levels of selectivity, sensitivity, and linear dynamic range that come together to deliver accurate results, in all sample matrices. Full-scan, high-resolution MS data allows multipoint compound identification with spectral matching, isotope patterns, retention indices, and elemental compositions to reduce time to results.Deliver results on time and with ease. With intuitive instrument control and method templates, the system is fully accessible to all members of your analytical team and provides complete confidence that the system is always operating at maximum performance. Integrated informatics solutions with Thermo Scientific Chromeleon Chromatography Data System (CDS) ensure a fast and efficient route to reporting.Expand analytical capability and open up new business opportunities such as sample profiling, increased analytical scope, and unknown compound identification services. Full scan high-resolution accurate-mass allows multiple questions to be asked of a sample to give a deeper understanding of every sample you inject.




Principal Scientist John Quick explains how Orbitrap Exploris GC is the future in water testing

Dr. Jim Garvey from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in Ireland discusses analyzing pesticides residues in foods using the Orbitrap Exploris GC.

Interview with Frank Neugebauer from Eurofins, Hamburg.

Professor Douglas Walker explains how Orbitrap Exploris GC increases compound coverage in environmental research.

Learn what the Orbitrap Exploris GC mass spectrometer can bring to your laboratory.


Featured resource

Discover the performance and advantages of using the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris GC mass spectrometer for trace analysis of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins

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Downloadable eBooks

Downloadable eBooks

These new eBooks bring together key application notes, written in collaboration with scientists from around the world, that demonstrate how GC Orbitrap MS makes a real difference to environmental and food safety analysis.

Environmental analysis eBook  Food safety analysis eBook

On-demand webinars

Find out how GC Orbitrap mass spectrometers are different from other MS systems and can provide a fast track to accurate results and make scientific discoveries. Thermo Scientific GC Orbitrap mass spectrometry is a powerful technology for applications ranging from quantitation, screening, sample profiling, and unknown identification. Find out how users from all application areas are taking advantage of GC Orbitrap MS.

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Learning materials

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Ordering information

Interested in the analysis of nitrosamines in pharmaceutics?

Download the latest applications notes, register for the latest webinars, and learn more about the analysis of nitrosamines and their precursors.

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The Lab-Forward Trade-In Program

The world needs science to move faster. Now more than ever. Which is why when more scientists have access to the latest scientific instrumentation, we all benefit. That is the sole purpose of our Lab-Forward Trade-In Program. For a limited time, trade in your chromatography and mass spectrometry instruments and save!

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