Streamline your data management

HistoTrac Lite is an excellent solution for low complexity, small to medium-sized histocompatibility labs in need of a affordable and ready-to-use laboratory management system. With HistoTrac Lite, you can effectively manage patient, sample, and test data, while seamlessly accessing crucial information and integrating with One Lambda products. Our standardized system offers specialized laboratory modules and One Lambda reagent vendor interfaces, tailored to meet the unique needs of HLA labs and support their daily operations. Say goodbye to expensive competing LMS software that require resource-intensive implementation. Experience the simplicity, affordability, and efficiency of HistoTrac Lite for the unique requirements of HLA labs like yours.

HistoTrac Lite offers

Patient/donor database

  • Store demographics
  • Link patients to donors
  • Perform haplotype and mismatch assignment

Sample management

  • Capture necessary sample data
  • Capture unacceptable samples/reasons
  • Capture DNA extraction information

Workflow management

  • Create batches and worksheets
  • Turn Around Time Reports

Test result storage

  • Result entry for antibody, typing, and crossmatch tests
  • Various review cycles


  • PDF report with lab’s name, address and credentialling info
  • Electronic signatures

Interfaces with One Lambda software applications

  • HLA Fusion (LABType, LABScreen, and Single Antigen)
  • TypeStream Visual
  • SureTyper (for HLA)
  • Nanodrop

Other key features

  • Serum and DNA inventory tracking
  • Ad hoc query tool
  • Audit history for tracking both field and recocrd-level user action

Introducing HistoTrac Lite, our innovative system that offers an affordable solution for improving data management, lab workflows, and reporting capabilities, all while minimizing the burden on your IT support. With pre-configured settings and standardized workflows, our out-of-the-box software eliminates the hassle of software implementation, saving you time and effort. Furthermore, our system can enhance and improve the user experience of your existing One Lambda software applications.

Quality and value

Experience improved reliability and continuity of your lab operations with our cutting-edge solution. With our comprehensive maintenance services, you can rest assured knowing that issues or bugs will be promptly addressed, resulting in improved performance, enhanced security, and proactive preventative measures. Elevate the efficiency and effectiveness of your lab operations with our reliable solution.


Equipped with HIPAA auditing capabilities, HistoTrac Lite aligns with the requirements of local and international accreditation authorities. Rest easy knowing that your sensitive data is protected and your operations meet the necessary compliance standards. Stay ahead of regulatory changes and maintain the trust and confidence of your stakeholders with our comprehensive compliance solution.

Operational lab efficiency

Streamline the deployment of your products and services with our standard, on-premise solution that seamlessly integrates with One Lambda products. Unlike existing on-market products, our solution requires fewer resources and eliminates the need for EHR connectivity, saving you time and effort. Unlike existing on-market products, our solution requires fewer resources saving you time and effort. You can maximize productivity and minimize operational burdens with our efficient and user-friendly solution.

For Laboratory Use.

1x1 image pixel for data collection