Informational resources on power semiconductor device analysis

Explore the latest insights and information on advanced power device technology with our range of on-demand webinars, technical documents, and blog posts. From in-depth discussions to practical tips and advice, our resources are designed to help you confidently navigate compound semiconductor failure analysis and characterization with ease. 

Power semiconductor device analysis webinars

Identifying crystalline defects in compound semiconductors using electron channeling contrast imaging

As power semiconductors adopt new materials, such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN), a key manufacturing challenge is eliminating or reducing crystalline defects. In this SPARK webinar, you’ll learn how electron channeling contrast imaging is an optimal solution for imaging dislocations in monocrystals and defect visualization.

Introducing an EFA to PFA workflow for power MOSFETs

Demand for high-performance MOSFETs is growing as applications require improved power management solutions. Integration of novel materials can introduce new defect analysis challenges. In this webinar, our experts present a new electrical failure analysis (EFA) to physical failure analysis (PFA) workflow to precisely identify a defect location and take action to resolve the issue.

Sample preparation and TEM imaging techniques for advanced power devices

Compound semiconductors like SiC and GaN are increasingly attractive for their ability to operate at higher voltages, currents, and frequencies, especially in power and RF devices. However, fabricating wafers using these compounds can be challenging and can adversely impact manufacturing yield and costs. Where identifying traditional defects in the device still exist, a new challenge is locating and characterizing crystalline dislocations in substrates.

The Advantages of multi-ion species plasma FIB milling

Both advanced packaging and high-performance power device analysis are critically reliant on the adoption of new, more complex materials and structures, which require a novel approach to FA sample preparation and imaging. Learn how the Thermo Scientific Helios Hydra DualBeam FIB-SEM’s selectable-species PFIB enables highly efficient sample preparation across a wide variety of materials and length scales, from precise TEM sample preparation to the creation of large-volume, high-quality SEM data sets.

Application notes on power semiconductor device analysis

Compound semiconductor analysis using electron channeling contrast imaging

While compound semiconductors can provide significant performance benefits, manufacturing also presents challenges. In this application note, we will discuss the impact of crystalline defects, the need for accurate crystalline defect characterization, and conclude with an overview of a high-efficiency workflow using electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI) to characterize crystalline defects.

Workflows for resolving compound semiconductor defectivity

For semiconductor designers, a combination of electrical failure analysis (EFA) and physical failure analysis (PFA) can lead to a deeper understanding of fault mechanisms, which can ultimately lead to improved manufacturing yields along with enhanced operational performance and reliability. When combined into a complete EFA-to-PFA workflow, these tools allow localization and characterization of subtle electrical issues in wide bandgap devices.

Brochures on power semiconductor device analysis

Excellence in Power Device Analysis

Power electronics are undergoing an exciting transformation with wide-bandgap semiconductors permitting devices to operate at higher voltages, frequencies, and temperatures than conventional semiconductor materials. Unfortunately, these can be hard to manufacture, and defects can be difficult to pinpoint and analyze. Potential failures may be caused by crystalline defects in substrates or by buried defects in the device. In this comprehensive, interactive eBook, discover solutions to find and characterize defects in power devices.

Power semiconductor device analysis blogs

Using electron channeling contrast imaging to optimize defect analysis and wafer fabrication

Crystalline defects impact power semiconductor device performance and reliability. In this blog post, we introduce electronic channeling contrast imaging (ECCI), a scalable, non-destructive method for crystalline defect inspection and characterization.

Failure analysis of wide bandgap semiconductor devices

Significant acceleration in the development of power device designs, most notably the transition to wide-bandgap (WBG) compound semiconductors, has brought its own set of challenges, mainly due to the increased defects inherent in these materials. Precise localization, preparation, and analysis are critical to improve device reliability and performance and to realize the promise of this emerging technology.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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