Helios 6 HD FIB-SEM meets semiconductor TEM sample preparation growing need

The Thermo Scientific Helios 6 HD Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM) is designed to meet the industry need for higher volumes of high-quality TEM data for failure analysis and metrology. This addition to the Thermo Scientific family of industry-standard DualBeam instruments delivers increased sample quality and productivity, which, in turn, deliver better TEM data. Producing higher quality TEM data provides actionable information to maximize manufacturing yields and end-product quality.

FIB prepared TEM lamella Helios Small Dual Beam

TEM sample preparation instrument availability

The Helios 6 HD FIB-SEM maximizes system utilization and reduces operating costs with its new Osprey FIB column. The Osprey FIB column with enhanced automated source and column alignments reduces the need for operator and service technician intervention. Additionally, the new Thermo Scientific EasyLift NanoManipulator extends needle life and reduces needle change time to minimize production interruptions.

FIB SEM subsystems Helios Small Dual Beam

TEM sample preparation throughput

The Helios 6 HD FIB-SEM features Thermo Scientific AutoTEM 6 Software, which performs automated alignments and enhances grid management for faster setup. An all-new digital scan engine allows simultaneous SEM imaging and milling, while also providing precise scan rotation and accurate pattern positioning. These hardware and software innovations maximize site-specific sample throughput.

Microscope user interface
AutoTEM Software user interface.

TEM sample quality

Sample success rate and quality are of paramount importance, regardless of the type of sample or the sample complexity. Failure analysis labs are expected to deliver high-quality TEM data from every metrology or defect analysis sample.


The Helios 6 HD FIB-SEM contains a new digital scan engine and FIB-SEM control architecture, which provides manual or semi-automated end-pointing for precise isolation of the feature of interest within the sample. In addition, the new Osprey FIB column provides improved low-kV milling. These features combine to deliver high-quality TEM samples, to help you answer the most challenging analysis questions. 

TEM metrology

Stitched STEM image for semiconductor metrology

The Helios 6 HD FIB-SEM generates a high volume of TEM samples in a highly repeatable manner, making it ideally suited for semiconductor TEM reference metrology. The Helios 6 HD FIB-SEM complements the Thermo Scientific Spectra, Talos, and Metrios TEMs, delivering high-efficiency, reliable TEM metrology data. 

Helios 6 HD FIB-SEM technical highlights

  • New FIB column with automated source and column alignments provides increased stability and low-kV milling capabilities. 
  • New digital scanning and patterning engine allows for simultaneous SEM imaging and FIB milling which enables more precise end-pointing and higher productivity.
  • AutoTEM 6 Software-targeted application designed to deliver the most out of the new Helios 6 HD FIB-SEM's hardware platform. This AI-enabled software automatically aligns all grid/finger locations, offering enhanced grid management capabilities and a decrease in set-up time.
  • Longer interval between EasyLift NanoManipulator needle exchanges and streamlined replacement, leading to increased system availability and consistent results. 

Helios 6 HD FIB-SEM resources

Helios 6 HD FIB-SEM datasheet

Download the datasheet for the full technical specifications of the Helios 6 HD FIB-SEM.

Download the datasheet download the datasheet

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.