TaqMan™ Array Human ABC Transporter Panel
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Applied Biosystems™

TaqMan™ Array Human ABC Transporter Panel

The Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Human ABC Transporter Array is an efficient, easy-to-use micro fluidic card for quantitative gene expression analysis자세히 알아보기
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카탈로그 번호 4378700
제품 정가(KRW)/ 4 cards
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The Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Human ABC Transporter Array is an efficient, easy-to-use micro fluidic card for quantitative gene expression analysis of human ABC Transporter genes important in drug discovery. This product is designed with 64 TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assays (50 targets & 14 controls) arrayed in triplicate in 384 wells and is compatible with an upgraded Applied Biosystems 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System. This product is packaged in 1 box containing 4 cards.

The TaqMan™ Human ABC Transporter Array contains assays for 50 human genes in addition to 14 endogenous controls in a 384-well array. The array is pre-formatted and inventoried, cost-effective, convenient and easy to use without needing expensive robotics. Results are reproducible and consistent across samples, studies, and labs —the same data quality from card-to-card and lot-to-lot — even with different operators.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
형태Dried Down
형식384-well microfluidic card
반응 속도Standard
내부 프로브 수정MGB (Minor Groove Binder) (3'), Non-Fluorescent Quencher (3'), FAM (5')
라벨 또는 염료FAM
수량4 cards
연구 카테고리Apoptosis, Neurobiology, Signal Transduction, Biomarker-Related Pathway(s), Extracellular Matrix & Cell Adhesion, Reproduction, Toxicology & Drug Metabolism, Oncology
타겟50 human ABC transporter genes
용도(애플리케이션)Gene Expression
반응 수1 x 2 μL Reactions
Unit Size4 cards
구성 및 보관
Each TaqMan™ Array well contains a single TaqMan™ Assay for one 2 μL reaction. The cards should be stored at 4°C.