TrueMark OpenArray Respiratory Tract Microbiota Plate is an efficient, easy-to-use OpenArray plate (112-assay format) for the characterization of key respiratoryRead more
TrueMark OpenArray Respiratory Tract Microbiota Plate is an efficient, easy-to-use OpenArray plate (112-assay format) for the characterization of key respiratory tract microbial targets through real-time PCR. This plate contains TaqMan Microbial Assays for 31 microbial targets, plus Universal Extraction Organism Control (B. atropheus), Universal DNA Spike-In Positive Control (Xeno) and human RNase P RPPH1 control. The format of this OpenArray plate allows for three replicates to be run in parallel per plate for all targets and two replicates for B. atropheus and RNase P. Each OpenArray can be used for running 23 samples and 1 control sample.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.