StemScale™ PSC Suspension Medium
StemScale™ PSC Suspension Medium

StemScale™ PSC Suspension Medium

Gibco StemScale PSC Suspension Medium supports the growth of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) in suspension through the self-assembly of spheroids.Read more
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Catalog number A4965001
Price (USD)/ 1 L
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Price (USD)/ 1 L
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StemScale™ PSC Suspension Medium
Catalog numberA4965001
Price (USD)/ 1 L
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Gibco StemScale PSC Suspension Medium supports the growth of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) in suspension through the self-assembly of spheroids. The unique formulation of StemScale medium provides superior expansion while maintaining high viability and consistent spheroid formation across multiple PSC lines. Simplified medium exchange and passaging workflows offer scalability in different formats and flexibility in feeding schedule. Pluripotent stem cells expanded in StemScale medium maintain pluripotency and normal karyotype across multiple passages and can be differentiated to the three germ layers.

Maximal expansion potential
Pluripotent stem cells cultured in StemScale PSC Suspension Medium consistently achieve 5-10 fold expansion per passage and three times the expansion capability versus other PSC suspension media. Long term expansion of PSCs in StemScale medium (>30 passages) can be accomplished without loss of expansion potential, pluripotency, or genomic stability.

Superior workflow
StemScale PSC Suspension Medium promotes the highly efficient self-aggregation of PSCs into spheroids, eliminating the need for microcarriers. Unlike other self-assembly methods that require batch feeding, PSCs maintained in StemScale medium are fed by a 50% medium replacement strategy. This method reduces metabolic waste in the culture while maintaining constant media volumes, important for maintenance of spheroid size. The use of cell strainers during passaging, which can lead to cell loss, is not required and contributes to the ability to scale into larger vessel sizes for workflow scale-up.

Compatible with multiple vessel types
Pluripotent stem cells can be expanded in StemScale medium across multiple vessel types, including 6-well plates, shaker flasks, and small-scale bioreactors, allowing users to scale PSC production as needed without sacrificing performance.

Flexible feeding schedule
StemScale medium offers a flexible workflow that allows users to selectively determine when to passage cultures. Feeding days can be skipped, providing the option of a weekend-free passaging schedule.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Culture Environment36°C to 38°C, humidified, 5% CO2, on CO2-resistant shaker platform
Cell TypeEmbryonic Stem Cells (ESCs), Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs), Human Stem Cells
Culture TypeSuspension Cell Culture, Stem Cell (Human, iPS - Induced Pluripotent Stem, Embryonic)
Product TypeStem Cell Media
Shelf Life12 Months From Date of Manufacture
With AdditivesPhenol Red
Manufacturing QualitycGMP for medical devices, 21 CFR Part 820 and ISO 13485
Quantity1 L
Unit Size1 L
Contents & Storage
• 900 mL Basal Medium, store at 2–8°C and protect from light
• 100 mL Supplement, store at -20°C and protect from light