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Free your trace elemental analysis from interferences with the Thermo Scientific™ Element Series HR-ICP-MS instruments, which feature powerful applications and an extended linear dynamic range.
Catalog Number | Description |
Clean up your spectra. Make your analysis easy. High-Resolution ICP-MS is made for the most flexible and reliable analyses, for the best analytical results. Perform accurate and reliable quantitative multi-element analyses at trace level, with the highest sensitivity and without complicated sample preparation. The Thermo Scientific™ Element™ 2 and Element XR™ High Resolution ICP-MS systems cover the mg/L to sub pg/L concentration range—making them especially suitable for semiconductor, geological and material science laboratories.
The Element 2 and Element XR High-Resolution ICP-MS provide class-leading elimination of interferences for the highest level of confidence. With ultra-sensitive and reliable multi-element analyses at trace-level concentrations, there’s no need for complicated sample preparation and method development.
In mass spectrometry, spectral interferences occur when the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of interfering ions overlap with analyte ions. These interferences are the primary limitation of ICP-MS. Fortunately, there’s a better way. The high mass resolution potential of a sector-field mass spectrometer can physically distinguish and separate an analyte from interferences by exploiting small differences in mass-to-charge. Therefore, high resolution (HR) ICP-MS can quantify concentrations and determine precise isotope ratios for elements across nearly the entire periodic table, regardless of the sample matrix.
The simplicity of high-resolution ICP-MS allows the most advanced performance, without compromising on straightforward and reliable method development. This makes the Element series the platform of choice in top-level research and metrology institutions, as well as advanced routine analysis laboratories across the globe.
Features and benefits