Axiom Bovine-Ovine-Caprine Genotyping Array (Axiom Ovicap Array) for animal genotyping was designed through the Affymetrix Expert Design Program. The array includes single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were identified by the United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service (USDA ARS), International Sheep Genomics Consortium (ISGC), and the International Goat Genome Consortium for each of the three different species (bovine, ovine, and caprine, respectively. The content for caprine includes SNPs located within the four casein genes implicated in milk production.The array also includes markers for ovine and bovine parentage analysis.
Highlights• Expert design: developed by key opinion leaders in the community
• Informative, including parentage markers from existing in-market arrays, allowing compatibility with previous studies
• A singe array for three species:
- Bovine: 54,560 markers.
- Ovine: 54,236 markers.
- Caprine: 60,034 markers.
Applications• Construction of high-resolution genetic maps
• Genetic improvement of pure lines
• Fine mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL)
• Calculating breeding values
• Parentage analysis
Required ProductsAxiom Analysis SuiteGeneChip Command Console SoftwareGeneTitan Multi-Channel Instrument