Thermo Scientific™


The Thermo Scientific μHeater holder is a high vacuum compatible ultra-fast heating stage for in situ sample heating up to 1200 °C.
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Catalog number UHEATER
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The Thermo Scientific™ μHeater holder is a high vacuum compatible ultra-fast heating stage for in situ sample heating up to 1200 °C.

Fully integrated, ultra-fast heating solution for in situ high resolution imaging at temperatures up to 1200 °C

Key Benefits​

  • Rapid and precise heating in high vacuum. Fast heating of materials to 1,200 °C in 100 ms.
  • ​EDS and EBSD imaging at >1000 °C temperature. Enabled by the low thermal radiation of the heater.
  • Stable solution for in situ nanometer scale imaging. μHeater holder has been developed with high-resolution imaging in mind. It maintains highest DualBeam performance at elevated temperatures.
  • Uniform temperature distribution. The MEMS device design of the μHeater holder delivers consistent, reproducible, and uniform temperature distribution over the heated area.
  • One solution for assured performance. Full integration with microscope control software on Thermo Scientific DualBeam instruments.
Unit SizeEach