Optimize volatile organics analysis with this low-bleed, midpolarity GC column with high thermal stability.
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產品號碼 26059-3320
價格 (HKD)/ Pack of 1
Length (Metric):
30 m
Optimizing volatile organics analysis requires a gas chromatography (GC) column with high thermal stability. Low-bleed, midpolarity Thermo Scientific™ TraceGOLD™ TG-624SilMS GC Columns offer the ideal performance and stability profile for this use.
Engineered for Superior Performance
Low to midpolarity phase, similat to 6% cyanopropylphenyl methylpolysiloxane
High thermal stability—maximum temperatures up to 320°C
Highly inert—excellent peak shape for a wide range of compounds
Equivalent to USP G43
Residual solvents
Volatile organic compounds
A Leap Forward in Column Performance with Low Bleed and Superior Inertness
A low-bleed, stable column produces consistent results.
Low baseline noise enables improved limits of detection with enhanced resolution of low level analytes.
Minimizing column bleed extends column lifetime, leading to higher productivity.
Reducing column bleed increases reproducibility of the stationary phase over time, resulting in greater run-to-run and batch-to-batch reproducibility.
Superior inertness ensures excellent peak shape and sensitivity, especially for highly active or difficult-to-analyze compounds.