VetDrugs Explorer Collection
VetDrugs Explorer Collection
Thermo Scientific™

VetDrugs Explorer Collection

Perform fast, simple, robust, and reproducible detection of veterinary drugs. Eliminate the issue of using multiple methods with this single, integrated solution.

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產品號碼 VDX-TSQ02-10001
價格 (HKD)/ Each
VetDrugs Explorer Collection for TSQ Altis Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

Achieve enhanced productivity and analytical efficiency while testing for antibiotics and veterinary drugs in food matrices. The Thermo Scientific™ VetDrugs Explorer Collection offers a comprehensive liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) solution that enables either routine screening or sensitive quantitation of veterinary drugs.

The VetDrugs Explorer Collection includes all the necessary components for a successful veterinary drug detection workflow. The comprehensive VetDrugs Explorer Collection includes:

  • Quality control (QC) and reference standard mixes
  • QuEChERS kit with sample preparation procedure
  • Industry leading triple quadrupole mass spectrometers with state-of-the-art UHPLC and columns.
  • Data acquisition and processing methods, with an extensive compound database, tested and validated by industry thought leaders in multiple laboratories.

The VetDrugs Explorer Collection is configured in the following format:

Premier Quantitation: The VetDrugs Explorer Collection offers premier quantitation featuring the Thermo Scientific™ TSQ Altis™ triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. The Premier Quantitation solution is intended for food safety laboratories aiming for the highest confidence and ultimate sensitivity when screening and quantitating veterinary drug residues in complex food matrices.

Mass Spectrometer InterfaceThermo Scientific TSQ Altis Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer, Including Thermo Scientific EASY-Max NG Source, Syringes, 6 Port Valve,Highly Selective Reaction Monitoring (H-SRM)
Column TypeThermo Scientific Accucore VDX Column, 100 mm x 2.1 mm x 2.6 μm
Liquid Chromatography SystemThermo Scientific Vanquish Flex Binary UHPLC System, Integrated Biocompatible UHPLC System with Binary Pump
MethodsTraceFinder Acquisition, Processing Methods and a Compound Database, VetDrugs Explorer Collection QC Test Mix (20 Analytes), VetDrugs Explorer Standard Mixture Set (170 Analytes)
Sample PreparationThermo Scientific QuEChERS Start-up Kit
SoftwareThermo Scientific TraceFinder Software
DescriptionVetDrugs Explorer Collection for TSQ Altis Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
For Use With (Equipment)LC-MS System
IncludesUser Guide, Training, QC and standard mixtures set, HPLC Accessories
Unit SizeEach