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The RNAqueous-4PCR Kit is used for phenol-free total RNA isolation from small tissue samples (0.5 to 75 mg) or from cells (∽100 cells to ∽1 x 107 cells), using a guanidinium-based lysis/denaturant and glass fiber filter separation technology. DNA-free™ DNA removal reagents are included in the kit, making the isolated RNA especially suitable for RT-PCR.
Using the RNAqueous-4PCR Kit
The RNAqueous-4PCR Kit is designed for isolatation of RNA for applications such as RT-PCR, that would benefit from its robust genomic DNA removal capabilities. When used in conjunction with RNAlater™ Tissue Collection: RNA Stabilization Solution, most tissue samples can be stored at 4°C and then easily disrupted in standard microfuge tubes using the pestles provided in the kit. No need for snap-freezing in liquid nitrogen or grinding in a mortar and pestle.
Not high-throughput compatible (Manual)
DNA and RNA Purification and Analysis, RNA Extraction, Total RNA Isolation, Total RNA from Animal Cells and Tissues