Image-iT™ FX Signal Enhancer
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Image-iT™ FX Signal Enhancer

Image-iT™ FX signal enhancer is a liquid that is applied directly to slides or coverslips containing fixed and permeabilized cellRead more
Catalog number I36933
Price (JPY)/ 10 mL
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Image-iT™ FX signal enhancer is a liquid that is applied directly to slides or coverslips containing fixed and permeabilized cell or tissue samples prior to staining with fluorescent probes. When Image-iT™ FX signal enhancer is used, nonspecific fluorescence (background) commonly seen with the application of fluorescent conjugates of streptavidin, goat anti-mouse, or goat anti-rabbit IgG is largely eliminated.

Key Attributes

Easy protocol—apply enhancer from ready-made solution in dropper bottle
Effective with many fluorescent labels (see Table 2 in user manual below)
Cost effective—supplies enough for 50 standard coverslips
Compatible with your immunostaining protocol’s other blocking steps

Reduce Nonspecific Binding of Dyes to Tissues.
Alexa Fluor™ dyes and many other dyes have negatively charged modifications that can lead to nonspecific association with cells and tissue. While not always significant, it can be a problem when pushing the limits of sensitivity in low-abundance targets. Image-iT™ FX signal enhancer can significantly reduce this binding, resulting in marked improvements in staining.

Need help deciding what product you need for your cell imaging? See our cell imaging workflow and decision tree.

Tired of poor signal-to-noise? See our collection antifade and signal enhancer products from Molecular Probes™.

For Research Use Only. Not intended for any animal or human therapeutic or diagnostic use.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Product LineImage-iT™
Product TypeSignal Enhancer
Quantity10 mL
Solution TypeSignal Enhancer
Shelf LifeAt least 6 Months
Shipping ConditionRoom Temperature
Unit Size10 mL
Contents & Storage
Store at room temperature.