A sterile, concentrated (100X) solution intended for use with Medium 231 to enhance differentiation of human smooth muscle cells. EachRead more
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Catalog number S0085
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Smooth Muscle Differentiation Supplement (SMDS)
Catalog numberS0085
Price (KRW)/ Each
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A sterile, concentrated (100X) solution intended for use with Medium 231 to enhance differentiation of human smooth muscle cells. Each 5 ml bottle of SMDS contains the correct amount of differentiation supplement for a 500 ml bottle of Medium 231. When a 500 ml bottle of medium is supplemented with SMDS, the final concentrations of the components in the supplemented medium are: • fetal bovine serum, 1% v/v • heparin, 30 μg/ml
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.