Platinum™ Multiplex PCR Master Mix
Platinum™ Multiplex PCR Master Mix
Applied Biosystems™

Platinum™ Multiplex PCR Master Mix

The Platinum Multiplex PCR Master Mix is designed specifically for endpoint multiplex PCR.
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카탈로그 번호반응 수
446426850 Reactions
4464269250 Reactions
44642701000 Reactions
3 옵션
카탈로그 번호 4464268
제품 정가(KRW)/ 50 reactions
제품 정가266,000
온라인 행사227,000온라인 주문시에만 적용 (Supply Center 제외) .
(ends 01-Jan-2025)
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반응 수:
50 Reactions
대량 주문 또는 맞춤형 요청
제품 정가(KRW)/ 50 reactions
온라인 행사227,000온라인 주문시에만 적용 (Supply Center 제외) .
(ends 01-Jan-2025)
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Platinum™ Multiplex PCR Master Mix
카탈로그 번호4464268
제품 정가(KRW)/ 50 reactions
온라인 행사227,000온라인 주문시에만 적용 (Supply Center 제외) .
(ends 01-Jan-2025)
카트에 추가하기
Platinum Multiplex PCR Master Mix is a high-specificity, high-throughput solution designed specifically for endpoint multiplex PCR and supports easy multiplexing with minimal optimization.

The performance of the Platinum Multiplex PCR Master Mix over a wide range of amplicon sizes permits the amplification of templates from 50 bp to 2.5 kb, greatly enhancing workflow flexibility. Coupled with its 20-plex capability and absence of primer dimers, it not only provides a high-throughput solution but also boasts high specificity through fewer non-specific primer binding events, resulting in less reaction and primer waste.


  • Amplifies up to 20 amplicons in a single reaction
  • Amplifies products from 50 bp to 2.5 kb
  • Performs multiplex PCR reactions with minimal optimization
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
GC-Rich PCR PerformanceLow
중합효소Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase
반응 속도Standard
멀티플렉스 기능Up to 20-plex
배송 조건Dry Ice
용도(애플리케이션)Hot-start PCR, Multiplex PCR
Fidelity (Taq 대비)1X
핫 스타트Built-In Hot Start
반응 수50 Reactions
반응 형식SuperMix or Master Mix
크기(최종 제품)2.5 kb or less
부피1.25 mL
Unit Size50 reactions
구성 및 보관
• Platinum Multiplex PCR Master Mix, 2X (1 x 1.25 mL)
• GC Enhancer (1 x 0.3 mL)

Store at –15°C to –25°C prior to opening.
Master mix may be stored at –15°C to –25°C or at 4°C (for up to 30 days). The GC Enhancer must be kept at –15°C to –25°C.