GenEx Enterprise Software
GenEx Enterprise Software
Applied Biosystems™

GenEx Enterprise Software

GenEx by Multid Analyses is software for the processing and analysis of real-time qPCR data. Its capabilities range from batch자세히 알아보기
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3 옵션
카탈로그 번호 A33919
제품 정가(KRW)/ 1 1-year license

GenEx by Multid Analyses is software for the processing and analysis of real-time qPCR data. Its capabilities range from batch read of data files, basic data pre-processing and management to advanced cutting-edge expression profiling analyses. GenEx software provides methods to select and validate reference genes, classify samples, group genes, monitor time-dependent processes, and much more.

Basic data editing and management
GenEx software v7.0 enables the pre-processing of raw data with consistence, in the correct order, and with confidence. The pre-processing features include interplate calibration, PCR efficiency correction, optimal normalization, genomic DNA background subtraction, outlier detection, and more.

Advanced data analysis
GenEx software offers advanced statistical solutions for post-normalization data analysis. Powerful interactive presentation tools facilitate the generation of professional illustrations of even the most complex experimental designs. Current features include standard curve analyses with estimation of limit of detection (sensitivity), limit of quantification, dynamic range, repeatability and reproducibility, t-test, ANOVA and non-parametric tests with appropriate corrections and estimates of precision, and multivariate statistical tests including Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (HCA), Heatmaps, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).

GenEx Professional vs. Enterprise
GenEx Professional software provides an extensive set of pre-processing modules together with data visualization and a set of analyses including a larger number statistical analysis modules, suitable for standard curve-based analysis as well as gene expression profiling. GenEx Professional software also contains wizards for direct data import from different instruments.

GenEx Enterprise software contains all modules of GenEx Professional plus the most advanced data analyses, including Dynamic PCA, ROC curve, ANN, and Support Vector Machine (SVM). GenEx Enterprise software also provides modules for data analysis conforming to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) standard documents.

Learn more about the features of v7.0 at


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
소프트웨어 유형Real Time PCR Data Analysis
배송 조건Room Temperature
Unit Size1 1-year license
구성 및 보관
1 Year License Key for 1 User