Yeast Mitochondrial Stain Sampler Kit
Yeast Mitochondrial Stain Sampler Kit

Yeast Mitochondrial Stain Sampler Kit

The Yeast Mitochondrial Stain Sampler Kit contains sample quantities of five different cell-permeant probes that have been found to label자세히 알아보기
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카탈로그 번호 Y7530
제품 정가(KRW)/ 1 kit
제품 정가591,000
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제품 정가(KRW)/ 1 kit
제품 정가591,000
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Yeast Mitochondrial Stain Sampler Kit
카탈로그 번호Y7530
제품 정가(KRW)/ 1 kit
제품 정가591,000
카트에 추가하기
The Yeast Mitochondrial Stain Sampler Kit contains sample quantities of five different cell-permeant probes that have been found to label mitochondria in live yeast. In addition to the well characterized mitochondrial stains rhodamine 123, and DiOC6(3), this kit includes rhodamine B hexyl ester, MitoTracker™ Green FM and SYTO™ 18 yeast mitochondrial stain, a proprietary green fluorescent nucleic acid stain. Each of these probes is sequestered in functioning mitochondria.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
용도(장비)Fluorescence Microscope
수량1 kit
검출 방법Fluorescence
배송 조건Room Temperature
라벨 유형Fluorescent Dye
제품 유형Yeast Mitochondrial Stain Sampler Kit
SubCellular LocalizationMitochondria
Unit Size1 kit
구성 및 보관
Store in freezer -5°C to -30°C and protect from light.