ROX Reference Dye
ROX Reference Dye

ROX Reference Dye

ROX Reference Dye is designed to normalize the fluorescent reporter signal in real-time quantitative PCR or RT-PCR. This dye hasRead more
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Catalog number 12223012
Price (TWD)/ 500 µL
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500 μL
Price (TWD)/ 500 µL
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ROX Reference Dye
Catalog number12223012
Price (TWD)/ 500 µL
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ROX Reference Dye is designed to normalize the fluorescent reporter signal in real-time quantitative PCR or RT-PCR. This dye has been qualified for use on the ABI PRISM™ 7700 with Platinum™ Quantitative PCR SuperMix-UDG™ , Platinum™ Quantitative RT-PCR ThermoScript™ One-Step System, and SuperScript™ III Platinum™ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit. ROX Reference Dye:

Normalizes non-PCR-related fluctuations in fluorescence

• Provides a stable baseline for multiplex quantitative PCR and RT-PCR
• Uses existing ROX spectral settings, eliminating the need to re-calibrate the thermal cycler
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Detection MethodPrimer-probe
PCR MethodqPCR
Label or DyeROX
Product TypeROX Reference Dye
Quantity500 μL
Shipping ConditionApproved for shipment on Wet or Dry Ice
Volume500 μL
Unit Size500 µL
Contents & Storage
Store in freezer (-5° to -30°C).