

Instruments and accessories for measuring the amount of ultraviolet and/or visible light absorbed by a sample. Suited for the determination of solute concentrations within samples, quality control, analysis of sample purity, and classroom learning.
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: Evolution Pro. : 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 4.0 nm Selectable
: DYMO LabelWriter 450 printer, Bluetooth keyboard, mouse and barcode reader. : 2048-element CMOS Linear Image Sensor. : 7 in. High Definition Color Display, 1280 x 800 pixels : 20 x 25.4 x 32.3 cm (8 x 10 x 12.7 in.)
Get high precision and functionality in a simple yet sophisticated visible spectrophotometer. The Thermo Scientific™ GENESYS™ 30 Visible Spectrophotometer performs both basic and complex analyses for educational or industrial use.
Perform routine measurements for quality control or teaching in the chemistry classroom with rugged Thermo Scientific™ GENESYS™ 50 UV-Visible and GENESYS 40 Vis Spectrophotometers. Offered in a single cell configuration, these instruments are designed with a sloping surface to shed spills and a...
Perform quantitative measurements in routine industrial QA/QC or university chemistry labs with the automated and network-capable Thermo Scientific™ GENESYS™ 150 UV-Visible and GENESYS 140 Vis Spectrophotometers.
: NanoDrop. : NanoDrop Ultra Spectrophotometers and Fluorometers.
: USB Type A port for USB memory device (front panel) Not included in 840-208700 and 840-210300
USB Type B port for optional computer connectivity (rear panel)
USB Type A port for external printer (rear panel).
: Single cell holder and automated 6-cell changer standard. : 15.7 in. : 40 cm.
Thermo Scientific™ SPECTRONIC™ 200 is the standard for rugged, simple-to-use visible spectrophotometers for teaching applications. Designed expressly for the teaching laboratory, the SPECTRONIC 200 spectrophotometer includes a removable, washable sample compartment that simplifies spill cleanup and...
For routine, complex research and advanced applications, including current compliance, the Thermo Scientific™ Evolution™ One/One Plus UV-Vis Spectrophotometer series brings together reliable, versatile hardware, a broad range of accessories, with easy-to-use, easy-to-learn Thermo Scientific™...
Perform quantitative measurements in life science laboratories with the automated and network-capable Thermo Scientific™ BioMate™ 160 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer. The BioMate 160 Spectrophotometer offers pre-programmed assay methods for nucleic acid and protein concentration as well as cell culture...
: 0.04 to 30 Abs (10 mm equivalent) : UL/CSA and CE. : Local Control Only. : USB 2.0 Port
New sales of this model have been discontinued. Please see the newest models: the Evolution Pro Spectrophotometers.
Get all of the documentation and reference materials needed to facilitate Installation and Operational qualification procedures (IQ/OQ). Certified standards for verifying instrument performance to factory specifications are available separately.
Gain additional savings by bundling the purchase of a NanoDrop Eight Spectrophotometer with a Qubit™ Flex Fluorometer or a Multchannel ClipTip™ Pipette (Manual or Electric).
: All NanoDrop instruments are approved to CE and UL/CSA. : DYMO 550 Turbo printer, Bluetooth keyboard, mouse and barcode reader. : dsDNA: Pedestal: 27,500 ng/μL BSA (IgG): Pedestal: 820 (400) mg/mL. : 2x USB-A Ports, 1x USB-C Port, Ethernet, Bluetooth™, Wi-Fi.
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Spectrophotometers, Colorimeters and Turbidity meters are all optical measurement systems that are critical for determining concentrations of specific analytes or other attributes of aqueous samples. All three categories of optical instruments are frequently key parts to a laboratory’s analytical...
Support your water and wastewater analysis laboratory needs with Thermo Scientific Orion AquaMate Spectrophotometers. AquaMate Vis and UV-Vis Spectrophotometers combine innovative technology, compact design, and over 260 preprogrammed methods to help attain accurate water analysis.
Documents & Support (66)
Quantifying strawberry DNA with spectrophotometry
How is coupling efficiency measured in primer synthesis?
1x1 image pixel for data collection