Contaminant Detection and Removal Reagents

Compounds that selectively target, identify, and remove microbial or nonmicrobial contamination from solutions and cell cultures.
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3 Products
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The Cell Culture Contamination Detection Kit is a simple and effective procedure for screening tissue cultures for contamination by microorganisms. The kit not only detects contaminants, but it also identifies the contaminant type.
The MycoFluor™ Mycoplasma Detection Kit provides an ultrasensitive, rapid, and simple fluorescence microscopic assay for the visual identification of mycoplasma infection in laboratory cell cultures. In order to detect mycoplasma, the fluorescent MycoFluor™ reagent is added directly to the culture...
Pierce™ β-Glucan Blocker Thermo Scientific™
Pierce β-Glucan-Blocker is added to samples suspected of β-1,3-glucans contamination, preventing the occurrence of false positive results in endotoxin detection (LAL) assays. β-1,3-glucans contamination may arise from the presence of yeast and cellulosic materials.
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DNA-free™ DNase Treatment & Removal Reagents contain RNase-free DNase, and an optimized DNase digestion buffer, to ensure safe, complete removal of contaminating DNA from any RNA sample. Also included is a unique DNase Removal Reagent which, after digestion, eliminates DNase in minutes — no more...
Endotoxins are heat-stable lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules associated with the outer membranes of certain gram-negative bacteria, such as E. coli. Endotoxins are routinely released by bacteria as they grow and divide in their normal life cycle, but large volumes of endotoxins can be released...
Documents & Support (460)
I'm seeing DNA contamination in my RNA prep after extraction with TRIzol Reagent. What could be the cause of this?
I am using the TaqMan miRNA ABC Purification Kit and am having difficulty detecting miRNA in qPCR assays. What is the issue?