Real Time PCR Assays and Arrays

Real Time PCR Assays and Arrays

Comprehensive set of real-time PCR assays developed for gene expression, microRNA, noncoding RNA, protein analysis, mutation detection, copy number variation, and SNP genotyping. TaqMan™ assays, containing optimized primers and probe/s, are supplied in various formats: single tube, TaqMan™ array plates and cards, as well as OpenArray™ panels. Also available as quantitative PCR (qPCR) kits for human and animal diagnostics ranging from coronavirus testing to cancer research, as well as food and beverage testing.

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: Primer-probe. : High. : qPCR. : Fast.
Applied Biosystems TaqMan Copy Number Assays use gold-standard TaqMan MGB probe chemistry to evaluate the copy number of genomic DNA targets using Applied Biosystems real-time PCR instruments and software.
: None. : None. : Primer-probe. : Frozen.
: Primer-probe. : Tube. : High. : qPCR.
: 7500 System, 7500 Fast System, 7900HT System, StepOne™, StepOnePlus™, ViiA™ 7 System, QuantStudio™ 3, QuantStudio™ 5, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex, QuantStudio 6 Pro, QuantStudio 7 Pro, QuantStudio™ 12k Flex. : Sustainable packaging. : TaqMan™. : Custom TaqMan Gene Expression.
: 7500 System, 7500 Fast System, 7900HT System, StepOne™, StepOnePlus™, ViiA™ 7 System, QuantStudio™ 3, QuantStudio™ 5, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex, QuantStudio 6 Pro, QuantStudio 7 Pro, QuantStudio™ 12k Flex. : Labeled PCR. : TaqMan™. : Gene Expression Assay.
: X03205.1 : 187. : Primer-probe. : Liquid.
: Human Control RNA. : Tube. : Low. : 1-step RT-qPCR.
: Primer-probe. : qPCR. : Fluorescence Intensity. : 7500 Fast System, 7500 System, StepOne™, StepOnePlus™, ViiA™ 7 System.
: NM_002046.3 : Primer-probe. : Tube. : qPCR.
: Primer-probe. : Tube. : High. : qPCR.
: NM_001101.2 : Primer-probe. : Liquid. : Tube.
: X03205.1 : 187. : Primer-probe. : Liquid.
: NM_002046.3 : 118. : Primer-probe. : Liquid.
: MGB-NFQ. : FAM, NED, TET, VIC. : Liquid. : Tube.
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Learn More (1335)
Applied Biosystems TaqMan Assays are the preferred choice for 5' nuclease qPCR assays in the industry. With over 20 million predesigned assays available, these ready-to-use assays come with a performance guarantee and eliminate the need for additional design or optimization.
Real-time PCR, also known as quantitative PCR (qPCR), is the gold-standard for sensitive, specific detection and quantification of nucleic acid targets. When you choose Applied Biosystems real-time PCR solutions, innovative technology and visionary research converge to unlock the full potential of...
Documents & Support (6253)
SureTect System: Stability of lysates and their use in SureTect System protocol
SureTect Salmonella Species PCR Assay Shows Superior Performance to the bioMérieux VIDAS UP Salmonella (SPT) Assay