Protease Inhibitors and Phosphatase Inhibitors

Inhibitor cocktails, capsules, tablets, and individual formulations that prevent proteins from being degraded by proteases and phosphatases during cell lysis and extraction procedures. Products are available in various quantities and formats.
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The all-in-one Thermo Scientific™ Halt Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail provides the convenience of a single solution with full sample protection. Additional Information and Online Ordering »
Thermo Scientific™ Halt Protease Inhibitor Cocktails are ready-to-use concentrated stock solutions of protease inhibitors for addition to samples to prevent proteolytic degradation during cell lysis and protein extraction procedures.
Thermo Scientific Pierce Protease Inhibitor Tablets, EDTA-free, contain broad-spectrum protease inhibitors that are highly effective at preventing proteolytic degradation during cell lysis and protein extraction experiments.
Thermo Scientific Pierce Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Mini Tablets, EDTA-free, contain both protease inhibitors and phosphatase inhibitors to provide broad-spectrum complete protection from dephosphorylation and proteolytic degradation.
The all-in-one Thermo Scientific™ Halt Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail provides the convenience of a single solution with full sample protection. Additional Information and Online Ordering »
Thermo Scientific Pierce Protease Inhibitor Mini Tablets, EDTA-free, contain broad-spectrum protease inhibitors that are highly effective at preventing proteolytic degradation during cell lysis and protein extraction experiments.
Thermo Scientific™ Halt Protease Inhibitor Cocktails are ready-to-use concentrated stock solutions of protease inhibitors for addition to samples to prevent proteolytic degradation during cell lysis and protein extraction procedures.
Preserve phosphorylation of proteins in cells and tissues with Thermo Scientific™ Halt Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail.
For use with mammalian cell and tissue extracts This Thermo Scientific Chemicals brand product was originally part of the Alfa Aesar product portfolio. Some documentation and label information may refer to the legacy brand.
This Thermo Scientific Chemicals brand product was originally part of the Alfa Aesar product portfolio. Some documentation and label information may refer to the legacy brand. The original Alfa Aesar product / item code or SKU reference has not changed as a part of the brand transition to Thermo...
PMSF Protease Inhibitor Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific™ Protease Inhibitors are small packages of individual protease inhibitor peptides and compounds for customized formulation or modification of protease inhibitor cocktails.
Leupeptin, 90%, synthetic Thermo Scientific Chemicals
This Thermo Scientific Chemicals brand product was originally part of the Acros Organics product portfolio. Some documentation and label information may refer to the legacy brand. The original Acros Organics product / item code or SKU reference has not changed as a part of the brand transition to...
Oxymetazoline hydrochloride Thermo Scientific Chemicals
This Thermo Scientific Chemicals brand product was originally part of the Acros Organics product portfolio. Some documentation and label information may refer to the legacy brand. The original Acros Organics product / item code or SKU reference has not changed as a part of the brand transition to...
AEBSF Protease Inhibitor Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific™ Protease Inhibitors are small packages of individual protease inhibitor peptides and compounds for customized formulation or modification of protease inhibitor cocktails.
Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail is used to inhibitors with a broad specificity for serine, cysteine, and acid proteases, and aminopeptidases. It has been tested on a wide variety of cells and tissue extracts to isolate/maintain intact proteins without degradation.
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Learn More (145)
Protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktails, tablets, and capsules are ideal for the protection of proteins during extraction or lysate preparation from primary cells, cultured mammalian cells, animal tissues, plant tissues, yeast, or bacterial cells.
(See a list of the products featured in this article.) Inside a cell, proteins are commonly separated from proteolytic enzymes through differential localization. Disruption of cellular and tissue architecture during protein extraction distorts the in vivo state by making all proteins potentially...
Documents & Support (4,648)
Does the Halt Protease Inhibitor Single-Use Cocktail contain phosphatase inhibitors?
Does the Halt Protease Inhibitor Single-Use Cocktail contain phosphatase inhibitors?