Target-Specific Western Blot Kits

Complete kits, reagents, substrates, and other products used for Western blotting and other immunodetection procedures that identify target proteins within complex samples via antibody tags. Products are tailored for specific species including mice and rabbits.
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Thermo Scientific™ Pierce Fast Western Blot Kit, ECL Substrate contains optimized reagents that shorten the time to perform a typical Western blot from 4 hours down to approximately 55 minutes.
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce Fast Western Blot Kit, SuperSignal West Pico Substrate contains optimized reagents and protocol that allows picogram levels of detection and shortens typical Western blot development to less than 1 hour after the gel transfer.
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce Fast Western Blot Kit, SuperSignal West Pico Substrate contains optimized reagents and protocol that allows picogram levels of detection and shortens typical Western blot development to less than 1 hour after the gel transfer.
Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal Western Blotting Kits are ideal for busy researchers or people new to Western Blotting.
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce Fast Western Blot Kit, SuperSignal West Femto Substrate contains optimized reagents and protocol that allows mid to low femtogram levels of detection and shortens typical Western blot development to less than 1 hour after the gel transfer.
Thermo Scientific™ Clean-Blot IP Detection Reagents are HRP and AP conjugates that are optimized for post-immunoprecipitation Western blot detection of primary antibodies without interference from denatured IP antibody fragments.
Thermo Scientific™ Clean-Blot IP Detection Reagents are HRP and AP conjugates that are optimized for post-immunoprecipitation Western blot detection of primary antibodies without interference from denatured IP antibody fragments.
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce Far-Western Blot Kit for Biotinylated Proteins enables in-gel or on-membrane Western blot detection of target proteins via interaction with biotin-labeled test proteins as primary probes.
Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal Western Blotting Kits are ideal for busy researchers or people new to Western Blotting.
The Pierce S-Nitrosylation Western Blot Kit provides cell lysis/reaction buffer, sulfhydryl-reactive blocking agent, reducing agent, labeling agent, and anti-TMT antibody to label 40 samples (100 μg each).
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce Fast Western Blot Kit, SuperSignal West Dura Substrate contains optimized reagents and protocol that allows femtogram levels of detection and shortens typical Western blot development to less than 1 hour after the gel transfer.
Thermo Scientific™ HisProbe-HRP is an nickel (Ni&superscript_2;+)-activated derivative of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). This product has been optimized for direct detection of recombinant histidine-tagged proteins and other histidine-rich proteins.
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce Fast Western Blot Kit, SuperSignal West Dura Substrate contains optimized reagents and protocol that allows femtogram levels of detection and shortens typical Western blot development to less than 1 hour after the gel transfer.
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce Fast Western Blot Kit, SuperSignal West Femto Substrate contains optimized reagents and protocol that allows mid to low femtogram levels of detection and shortens typical Western blot development to less than 1 hour after the gel transfer.
HisProbe™-HRP Conjugate Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific™ HisProbe-HRP is an nickel (Ni&superscript_2;+)-activated derivative of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). This product has been optimized for direct detection of recombinant histidine-tagged proteins and other histidine-rich proteins.
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Learn More (427)
We offer specialized kits for the detection of histidine-tagged proteins, post-translational modifications, multiple target proteins on a single western blot, and target proteins to verify siRNA reagent gene knockdown.
Thermo Scientific Pierce Fast Western Blot Kits accelerate the Western blotting process with streamlined protocols and optimized reagents that enables accuracy, sensitivity and reliability. The kits help reduce hands-on and overall blotting time to approximately one hour using any of the Thermo...
Documents & Support (1,805)
Is there a specific gel type and running conditions I should use for Far-Western detection using the Pierce Far-Western Blot Kit for Biotinylated Proteins?
What are the far-western blot kits you offer?