Standard PCR Products

Standard PCR Products

Various reagents, kits, and buffers, suitable for standard, direct, hot-start, long-range, and high-fidelity polymerase chain reaction (pcr) processes and operations.
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198 Products
  • Direct PCR Reagents and Kits (80)
    Hot Start PCR Reagents and Kits (34)
    PCR Specific Buffers (30)
    Standard PCR Reagents and Kits (30)
    High Fidelity PCR Reagents and Kits (23)
    Long Range PCR Reagents and Kits (1)
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PCR Master Mix (2X) Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific PCR Master Mix is a 2X concentrated solution of Taq DNA Polymerase, dNTPs, and all of the components required for PCR, except DNA template and primers.
PCR SuperMix Invitrogen™
PCR SuperMix is a ready-to-use mixture of DNA polymerase, salts, magnesium, and dNTPs for efficient PCR amplification.
Thermo Scientific™ DreamTaq™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase is an enhanced hot start Taq DNA polymerase that enables higher PCR specificity, sensitivity, and yields compared to conventional hot start Taq DNA polymerases.
Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase, High Fidelity, is ideal for amplification of DNA fragments when high yields and robust amplification are required. High fidelity is provided by a mixture of Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase and the proofreading enzyme.
Invitrogen Platinum SuperFi II Green PCR Master Mix (2X) contains a ready-to-use mixture of Platinum SuperFi II DNA Polymerase, Platinum SuperFi II Buffer, and dNTPs for convenient PCR setup, as well as two tracking dyes for direct loading of PCR products on gels.
Invitrogen Platinum II Hot-Start Green PCR Master Mix (2X) offers Platinum II Taq Hot-Start DNA Polymerase premixed with Platinum II PCR buffer and dNTPs for convenient PCR setup, as well as two tracking dyes for direct loading of PCR products on gels.
Invitrogen Platinum Green Hot Start PCR Master Mix offers Platinum Taq DNA polymerase in an optimized PCR buffer with magnesium and dNTPs for convenient PCR setup.
GeneJET PCR Purification Kit Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific GeneJET PCR Purification Kit utilizes a proprietary silica-based membrane technology in the form of a convenient spin column, eliminating the need for tedious resin manipulations or toxic phenol-chloroform extractions.
Invitrogen Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase is a convenient and reliable 'hot start' thermostable DNA polymerase for PCR that provides enhanced specificity over that of Taq DNA Polymerase.
Invitrogen Platinum II Taq Hot-Start DNA Polymerase is designed for universal primer annealing and fast, easy PCR with its unique combination of innovative buffer, high-performance engineered Taq DNA polymerase, and superior hot-start technology.
Thermo Scientific Phire Plant Direct PCR Kit is designed to amplify DNA directly from plant samples. No DNA purification is required prior to PCR.
Thermo Scientific Native Taq DNA Polymerase is a highly thermostable DNA polymerase of the thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus.
The Applied Biosystems™ AmpliTaq Gold™ Fast PCR Master Mix is a premix, hot start chemistry for end-point PCR analysis.
Invitrogen Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase, DNA-free, is manufactured using a novel, closed single-use system together with stringent quality-control testing to minimize the risk of contamination with bacterial and human DNA.
Thermo Scientific Phire Hot Start II PCR Master Mix is convenient 2X mix designed to minimize the number of pipetting steps. The master mix contains Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase, nucleotides and optimized reaction buffer including MgCl2.
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Learn More (552)
About Real-Time PCR (qPCR) Assays About Sequence Detection Chemistries SYBR Green I Dye Chemistry About Quantitation Assays Absolute vs. Relative Quantitation Standard Curve Method for Relative Quantitation Comparative CT method for Relative Quantitation Standard Curve Method for Absolute...
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Documents & Support (1,182)
How should I clean up my attB-PCR product?
Can ExoSAP-IT PCR cleanup reagents be used with automatic handling systems?