March 2024 New Products

1 - 15 of 19 Products

IGF-1R[pYpY1135/1136] Human ProcartaPlex™ Simplex Kit Invitrogen™

The ProcartaPlex Human IGF-1R[pYpY1135/1136] Simplex Kit measures the level of phosphorylated IGF-1R[pYpY1135/1136] in cell lysates. It designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein...

GSK-3b[pS9] Human ProcartaPlex™ Simplex Kit Invitrogen™

The ProcartaPlex Human GSK-3 beta[pS9] Simplex Kit measures the level of phosphorylated CREB (phosphorylation site: Ser9) in cell lysates. It is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein...

ProcartaPlex™ Human Akt Pathway Panel, total, 8plex Invitrogen™

The ProcartaPlex Human Akt Pathway Panel, total, 8plex, enables simultaneous quantitation of the total levels from eight key proteins included in the Akt cell signaling pathway. It complements the Human Akt Pathway Panel, phospho, 8plex (Cat. No.

mTOR Human ProcartaPlex™ Simplex Kit

The ProcartaPlex Human mTOR Simplex Kit measures the level of total mTOR in cell lysates. It is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.

CREB[pS133] Human ProcartaPlex™ Simplex Kit Invitrogen™

The ProcartaPlex Human CREB[pS133] Simplex Kit measures the level of phosphorylated CREB (phosphorylation site: Ser133) in cell lysates. It is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein...

PRAS40 Human ProcartaPlex™ Simplex Kit Invitrogen™

The ProcartaPlex Human PRAS40 Simplex Kit measures the level of total PRAS40 in cell lysates. It is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.

IGF-1R Human ProcartaPlex™ Simplex Kit Invitrogen™

The ProcartaPlex Human IGF-1R Simplex Kit measures the level of total IGF-1R in cell lysates. It is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.

mTOR[pS2448] Human ProcartaPlex™ Simplex Kit Invitrogen™

The ProcartaPlex Human mTOR[pS2448] Simplex Kit measures the level of phosphorylated mTOR (phosphorylation site: Ser2448) in cell lysates. It is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein...

p70S6K Human ProcartaPlex™ Simplex Kit Invitrogen™

The ProcartaPlex Human p70S6K beta Simplex Kit measures the level of total p70S6K in cell lysates. It is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.

Akt[pS473] Human ProcartaPlex™ Simplex Kit Invitrogen™

The ProcartaPlex Human Akt[pS473] Simplex Kit measures the phosphorylated Akt (phosphorylation site: Ser473) in cell lysates. It is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.

p70S6K[pTpS421/424] Human ProcartaPlex™ Simplex Kit Invitrogen™

The ProcartaPlex Human PRAS40[pT246] Simplex Kit measures the level of phosphorylated PRAS40[pT246] in cell lysates. It is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.

CREB Human ProcartaPlex™ Simplex Kit

The ProcartaPlex Human CREB Simplex Kit measures the level of total CREB in cell lysates. It is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.

IRS-1 Human ProcartaPlex™ Simplex Kit​ Invitrogen™

The ProcartaPlex Human IRS-1 Simplex Kit measures the level of total IRS-1 in cell lysates. It is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.

GSK-3b Human ProcartaPlex™ Simplex Kit Invitrogen™

The ProcartaPlex Human GSK-3 beta Simplex Kit measures the level of total GSK-3 beta in cell lysates. It is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.

ProcartaPlex™ Human Akt Pathway Dual Reporter Panel, 2x8plex Invitrogen™

The ProcartaPlex Human Akt Pathway Dual Reporter Panel, 2x8plex, enables simultaneous quantitation of 16 parameters (8 total and 8 phosphorylated proteins) on the same bead in a single well. This is realized by leveraging two distinct detector antibodies with different dye-conjugates in the assay...
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