15 Apr 2020

Caption From Port

Use this module to fill the text field of a Caption module with the value of a port of another module.


Use this module to fill the text field of a Caption module with the value of a port of another module.

You can use it, for instance, for dynamically displaying the slice-number of an OrthoSlice in the viewer window, for displaying the normal vector components of a Slice, for showing the rotation angle of a Camera Orbit (in an animation), or, when processing time-series, to show the time-step being processed.

Right-click on a Caption module, select Create Object and choose Xtra->Annotate->CaptionFromPort.

Set the parameters:

  • Caption module: Select the Caption module, whose text field you want to connect to the value of a port from another module.
  • Module to get ports from: Choose the module with the port you want to use.
  • Port: Select the port, whose value you want to use in the Caption.

If the port's value is changed, e.g. the slice-number of an OrthoSlice, the Caption is automatically updated.