18 Nov 2021

Inter Time Steps Recipe Player

The Inter Time Steps Recipe Player module executes a two-input recipe to a specific pair of two successive time steps of a time series dataset, or to all its pairs of two successive time steps.

This module applies a two-input recipe to either a specific pair of two successive time steps, or to all pairs of two successive time steps of the full time series.

In the first case, the result of the recipe is directly added to the Project View. In the second case, the results are saved into a specified directory as Amira-Avizo files.

It is also possible to choose in which order the time steps of the pair to process must be connected to the two-input recipe.

Finally, when processing a full time series, the results can be exported as TIFF images instead (you can check that the recipe creates compatible results with TIFF file format though).

Data courtesy of Camille Loupiac, Food Science and Nutrition Department, AgroSup Dijon