18 Nov 2021

Porosity Volume Fraction Analysis

This tutorial demonstrates the steps to quantify porosity volume fraction and distribution.


The workflow comprises of three sections:

A) Generate porosity volume

B) Create total volume mask

C) Masking the porosity (A) with the volume mask (B) to obtain volume fraction along the stack image.

Sample dataset, complete project file, and step-by-step tutorial are available for download.

General workflows

Section A

  • Load the dataset
  • Closing by Reconstruction
  • Arithmetic
  • Auto Thresholding

Section B

  • Interactive thresholding
  • Closing
  • Erosion
  • Convert Image Type
  • Arithmetic
  • Label Analysis
  • Label to Attribute

Section C

  • Arithmetic
  • Label Analysis
  • Label to Attribute

Data courtesy of School of Engineering, Newcastle University