1 Sep 2022

Reconstruct Spatial Graph from Markers

This Xtra filters a Spatial Graph to keep only segments that have at least one point in each of the labels of an input Label Field.

7-13-2022 2-44-12 PM

This Xtra takes a Spatial Graph and a Label Field as inputs. It outputs a Spatial Graph composed only of the segments of the input Spatial Graph that have at least one point in each of the labels of the input Label Field.

The Xtra can be created by right-clicking on a Spatial Graph, then searching for Xtra > Spatial Graph Tools > Reconstruct Spatial Graph from Markers.

This Xtra can be useful to isolate segments going "coast-to-coast" in a data, or streamlines going through a specific pore of a sample.

In the example project provided with this Xtra, first only segments going "coast-to-coast" are extracted (upper right). Then this extraction is restricted to segments that are also passing through a large pore, roughly represented here by an ellipsoid (lower right).

Download a version compatible with Amira-Avizo 2022.1 HERE, 2022.2 HERE, 2023.1 HERE.

To obtain a version of this Xtra compatible with Amira-Avizo 2024.1 and further, please contact us via our Customer Support Center.