Leaderboard Scoring System

Rise through the ranks and be our top Leaderboard challengers! Be rewarded with special End-of-Challenge gift if you are one of the top 10 challengers for the 2021 Chromatography Innovation Series.*

From now until 30 November 2021, continue to earn points when you participate in our activities. 

*Terms and Conditions apply

Bonus Activity 4: Innovation Summit 2021 – IC Scavenger Hunt
Innovation Summit 2021 – IC Scavenger Hunt is open from 20th October until 31st October.

Participate in our Scavenger Hunt during the Innovation Summit 2021 Series, look for these icons and earn bonus points. This is a good chance for you to rise through the ranks as points earned in the scavenger hunt will be added to your Leaderboard scores:

Scavenger Hunt Icons

Activities available to earn points

  • SCAVENGER HUNT | Locate any of the unique images/icons (total of 15 images/icons) – 1pt per unique image/icon
  • VIRTUAL ROOMS | Visit a unique room (total of 7 virtual rooms) – 1pt per unique room
  • AUDITORIUM | Attend live webcasts (at least 50% for each webcast; total of 4 webcasts including Q&A session) – 5pts per webcast
  • IC QUIZ | Participate in The Evolution of IC Quiz – 5pts (to be awarded after the 2 weeks after the live event),
    Visit IC Evolution page – 1pt
  • FUN4LAB | Participate in virtual photo booth and Spot the Differences game – 1pt each,
    Win Spot the Differences game – 5pts (to be awarded after the 2 weeks after the live event)
  • SURVEY | Complete survey – 5pts (to be awarded after the 2 weeks after the live event)


{{row.Position}} {{row.Name}}{{row.Score}}pts

Can’t find your ranking here? Submit your email address to receive your score and ranking notifications!


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Bonus Activity 5: IC & IC-MS Spot the Differences Game
From 20th October to 31st October, win 5 bonus points when you successfully spot the 5 differences in the IC & IC-MS Spot the Differences Game!

Spot the Diff
Style Sheet for Global Design System