Adult zebrafish kidney. ELF® 97 Endogenous Phosphatase Detection Kit and propidium iodide.

A cryostat section through adult zebrafish kidney that was incubated with the ELF® 97 phosphatase substrate in our ELF® 97 Endogenous Phosphatase Detection Kit (Cat. no. E6601) and counterstained with propidium iodide (Cat. no. P1304MP, P3566, P21493). The ELF® 97 alcohol signal, which is ordinarily green fluorescent, appears yellow in this section because the phosphatase activity is in close proximity to the nuclei, which are stained red by the propidium iodide. This double-exposure image was obtained using longpass filter sets appropriate for ELF® 97 alcohol product and tetramethylrhodamine.

A cryostat section through adult zebrafish kidney that was incubated with the ELF® 97 phosphatase substrate in our ELF® 97 Endogenous Phosphatase Detection Kit (Cat. no. E6601) and counterstained with propidium iodide (Cat. no. P1304MP, P3566, P21493). The ELF® 97 alcohol signal, which is ordinarily green fluorescent, appears yellow in this section because the phosphatase activity is in close proximity to the nuclei, which are stained red by the propidium iodide. This double-exposure image was obtained using longpass filter sets appropriate for ELF® 97 alcohol product and tetramethylrhodamine.

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