How to Get an Allergy Test It might be simpler than you think.


Understand Your Symptoms

Use our symptom tracker to generate a comprehensive profile of your symptom history. Print, scan, or download your results so your GP can help decide if a specific IgE blood test is right for you.


Schedule an Appointment with Your GP

Based on the results of your symptom tracker, your GP can decide to draw some blood and order a specific IgE blood test at a local laboratory to aid in the diagnosis of your allergies.  


Get Tested

When the results come, your GP will review them with you. Along with your medical history and a physical examination, a specific IgE blood test can help confirm an allergy diagnosis.

Frequently Asked Questions

A blood test measures the levels of allergen-specific antibodies in your blood (IgE), which is an indicator of allergic sensitisation. From one blood draw the laboratory can test for more than 40 allergens. Normally five to eight are sufficient to see what allergens are triggering your symptoms. The test can be performed on people of any age (including young children). As a powerful diagnostic tool, a specific IgE blood test can help your GP determine if you have allergies and aid in identifying which allergens are causing your symptoms.

You can be tested for just about anything you encounter that can cause allergy symptoms. A blood test can be used to identify sensitisations to pollens, moulds, animal dander, foods, dust mites, insect venoms, some medications, and more. 

A blood test can be performed any time, regardless of skin conditions (e.g., eczema) and current medication use, including antihistamines. This blood test is also considered safe for those who are pregnant. 

Anyone experiencing allergy-like symptoms can undergo specific IgE blood testing. 

A sample of blood (1 ml is enough for 10 allergens) is drawn and sent to a laboratory for analysis. The results are returned a few days later for your GP to interpret alongside your medical history and reported symptoms. This combination will help your GP confirm or rule out a suspected allergy.

Since the blood sample is sent to a lab for processing, it typically takes a few days to obtain blood-test results.  

The costs for specific IgE blood tests are fully covered by the National Health Service. 

Tools for Understanding Allergies


Track allergy symptoms and prepare for a visit with a healthcare provider.

Learn about specific allergens, including common symptoms, management, and relief. 

Are you a healthcare provider? Get comprehensive information on hundreds of whole allergens and allergen components.

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