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Phadia 500 instrument
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Sophisticated and powerful to meet the demands of any major laboratory, the Phadia™ 5000+ series of instruments* provides the highest throughput among the Phadia Laboratory Systems.

With four parallel processing lines, it doubles the capacity of the Phadia 2500+ series of instruments** and provides even greater flexibility. Our flagship solution is for extremely high throughput laboratories that deliver 25,000 to 45,000 results per week.


The three configuration options give you flexibility to acquire the most appropriate instrument to fit your laboratory needs, whether for ImmunoCAP™ only (Phadia 5000), or for both ImmunoCAP and EliA (Phadia 5000E and Phadia 5000E+E). This offers your laboratory the ability to customize a high-throughput automated solution that aligns with your testing needs and schedules.

Phadia 5000 testing instrument


  • Large allergen test menu covering more than 550 whole allergens and mixes and 100 allergen components.
  • Broad autoimmunity menu covering clinically relevant autoimmunity markers for evaluation of more than 50 of the most common autoimmune disease markers.
  • User-configurable reflex testing functionality.
  • LIS connectivity via PhadiaTM Prime software.


  • Max throughput up to 960 ImmunoCAP results/hour or up to 300 EliA results/hour.
  • Continuous random access.
  • Refrigerated on-board reagent storage.
  • 28-day stored calibration curves.
  • Onboard dilution (EliA).
  • Network multiple Phadia instruments for clustered*** setup for efficient handling.


  • Excellent consistency over time and between countries, systems, laboratories, and users.
  • Support and troubleshooting enhanced by the Phadia LabCommunity connectivity.
  • Quality Club: One of the largest global quality assessment programs.

*The Phadia 5000+ series comprises the Phadia 5000, Phadia 5000E, and Phadia 5000E+E instruments.

** The Phadia 2500+ series comprises the Phadia 2500, Phadia 2500E, and Phadia 2500EE instruments.

*** Cluster setup allows several Phadia instruments networked together to be operated with one Phadia Prime computer.



Phadia 5000+ series capability

Phadia 5000 testing instrument walk away time diagram
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