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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Antibiotics are a group of chemicals that are widely used in animal husbandry primarily for protection of animals from disease but also as growth promoters. The European Union (EU) has set maximum residue limits (MRL) for a variety of antibiotics in animal tissues, milk and eggs; suitable methods are required to be capable of detecting these residues at regulated levels. For quantitative analysis it is necessary to use instrumental techniques such as LC-MS/MS. This technique can also be used for screening, and provides much higher sensitivity and greater specificity.
Learn how PaperSpray technology is used to rapidly screen for and quantitate commonly used veterinary drugs in salmon and bovine muscle extracts for food safety applications.
Learn about an LC-MS/MS workflow solution for multi-class analysis of veterinary drug residues in animal matrices that is robust, rapid, and easy to use, while also having the sensitivity, accuracy, and precision that is required for regulatory guidelines around the world.
Read more about start-to-finish targeted quantitation workflows for today and tomorrow’s veterinary drugs analysis.
Fluoroquinolones are poly-aromatic compounds with fluorine atoms and carboxylic acid functionality. They are sensitive to silanol interactions with the stationary phase that can lead to compromised peak shape and reduce effective peak resolution.
VetDrugs Explorer Collection Whiteboard
Dr David Borts, Assistant Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine Iowa State, discusses veterinary drug testing and analysis in food products, development and uses of Vet Drugs Explorer.
Ed George, Environmental & Food Safety, discusses the determination of a single methodology for the analysis of multi-class veterinary drugs in different animal matrices used for consumption at NACRW 2015.
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.