Protein detection and analysis—western blotting
Our all-encompassing range of solutions for western blotting analysis is meticulously designed and tested to meet the highest standards and minimize time and effort. Establish a robust foundation for your western blotting experiments.
Innovative western blotting solutions
Boost your productivity with western blotting tools designed for efficient high-quality data generation.
- Five distinct gel chemistries—enhance the separation of proteins with different molecular weights
- WedgeWell—high loading capacity well options—the trusted performance of Invitrogen precast gels with twice the sample loading capacity. Also available in the high-throughput Midi gel format
- Gel performance guarantee—meticulously tested for reliable, consistent performance
- Forward-facing well configuration—easier sample loading, monitor both gel runs simultaneously
- Less running buffer required—two separate gel chambers, only use the buffer needed for each gel
- Built to last—made of durable polycarbonate
- Higher throughput—run up to 2 midi gels and 52 samples at the same time
- Separate chambers—use only the buffer needed for each gel
- 2-in-1 design—30 min, room temperature transfer in the same tank
- Bright LCD touch screen—easy to use and monitor run progress
- Simple and intuitive Interface—enter and save custom protocols in few quick steps
- Preprogrammed methods—start gel runs and transfers in seconds
- Prestained multicolor—ready-to-load, for broad, high and low molecular weight proteins
- Fluorescent optimized options—excellent for multiplexing experiments
- Specialty—IEF, native PAGE and more
- Flexible—wide selection of in-gel and on-membrane protein stains
- Comprehensive—including Coomassie dye-based, silver, fluorescent, tagged fusion protein stains and PTM protein gel stains
- Compatible—select MS, western blotting and protein sequencing compatible stains available
- Fast—transfer protein in as few as 3 minutes
- Convenient—preprogrammed settings, preassembled transfer stacks, and minimal post-transfer cleanup
- Reduced lab backlog—2 independent transfer stations allow 2 users to simultaneously transfer using the same or different conditions
- Versatile—use with do-it-yourself, ready-to-build, or ready-to-use transfer stacks
- Flexible to fit your lab’s needs—2 transfer cassette options to support transfer of up to 4 mini or 2 midi gels at the same time
- Integrated power supply—seamless operation between control unit and cassette, no external power supply required as with wet tank transfer
- 2-in-1 tank systems—electrophoresis and transfer in the same tank
- Conserve transfer buffer—only 220 mL for mini and 300 mL for midi gel transfers
- Robust electrode plates—for highly efficient and reliable western transfers
- Load and go— leverage sequential lateral flow technology with no batteries, shakers, trays, or timers required
- Flexible throughput—pick a platform that matches your throughput needs; process 1 mini or midi blot, 2 mini blots, or 6 vertically cut strips using the same or different conditions
- Reproducibility—help reduce variability introduced with more hands-on, traditional processing
- Simple setup—prepare block, wash, and antibody solutions, load, program, and walk away
- Your protocols, your buffers—no specialized reagents or protocols needed
- Antibody recovery—recover antibody for reuse in future experiments, if desired
- Find your match—>200,000 primary antibodies with broad species and application coverage
- Extensive testing—Advanced verification with demonstrated specificity and sensitivity
- Enhanced reproducibility—take advantage of >10,000 recombinant antibodies
If you need an everyday solution to analyze a broad range of protein expression levels, an exceptionally sensitive substrate, or a solution for quantitative western blotting, we have the right chemiluminescent substrate for you.
Reagents, buffers and fluorescent conjugated antibodies for optimal fluorescent western blotting analysis.
- Fast Protein Labeling—mix, label and image gels or blots
- Flexible visualization—UV or green fluorescent light
- Total Protein Normalization—broad linear dynamic range (1–80 µg)
- Choice—wide variety of HRP-conjugated and Alexa Fluor secondary antibodies with a range of host and target species
- Excellent multiplexing abilities—detect multiple proteins at the same time with the largest selection of Alexa Fluor dyes available
- Higher signal-to-noise ratio—up to 5.8 times higher signal-to-noise ratio with Alexa Fluor Plus
- Smooth imaging experience with minimal effort—simple, clean touchscreen interface with logical workflows, complete with a suite of automated features
- The core imaging capabilities that you need—fluorescent blot, chemiluminescent blot, protein gel, and DNA gel imaging
- The special application capabilities that you want—image membrane stains, 2D strips, TLC plates, colorimetric blots, colony plates, perform total protein normalization and more
- Five distinct gel chemistries—enhance the separation of proteins with different molecular weights
- WedgeWell—high loading capacity well options—the trusted performance of Invitrogen precast gels with twice the sample loading capacity. Also available in the high-throughput Midi gel format
- Gel performance guarantee—meticulously tested for reliable, consistent performance
- Forward-facing well configuration—easier sample loading, monitor both gel runs simultaneously
- Less running buffer required—two separate gel chambers, only use the buffer needed for each gel
- Built to last—made of durable polycarbonate
- Higher throughput—run up to 2 midi gels and 52 samples at the same time
- Separate chambers—use only the buffer needed for each gel
- 2-in-1 design—30 min, room temperature transfer in the same tank
- Bright LCD touch screen—easy to use and monitor run progress
- Simple and intuitive Interface—enter and save custom protocols in few quick steps
- Preprogrammed methods—start gel runs and transfers in seconds
- Prestained multicolor—ready-to-load, for broad, high and low molecular weight proteins
- Fluorescent optimized options—excellent for multiplexing experiments
- Specialty—IEF, native PAGE and more
- Flexible—wide selection of in-gel and on-membrane protein stains
- Comprehensive—including Coomassie dye-based, silver, fluorescent, tagged fusion protein stains and PTM protein gel stains
- Compatible—select MS, western blotting and protein sequencing compatible stains available
- Fast—transfer protein in as few as 3 minutes
- Convenient—preprogrammed settings, preassembled transfer stacks, and minimal post-transfer cleanup
- Reduced lab backlog—2 independent transfer stations allow 2 users to simultaneously transfer using the same or different conditions
- Versatile—use with do-it-yourself, ready-to-build, or ready-to-use transfer stacks
- Flexible to fit your lab’s needs—2 transfer cassette options to support transfer of up to 4 mini or 2 midi gels at the same time
- Integrated power supply—seamless operation between control unit and cassette, no external power supply required as with wet tank transfer
- 2-in-1 tank systems—electrophoresis and transfer in the same tank
- Conserve transfer buffer—only 220 mL for mini and 300 mL for midi gel transfers
- Robust electrode plates—for highly efficient and reliable western transfers
- Load and go— leverage sequential lateral flow technology with no batteries, shakers, trays, or timers required
- Flexible throughput—pick a platform that matches your throughput needs; process 1 mini or midi blot, 2 mini blots, or 6 vertically cut strips using the same or different conditions
- Reproducibility—help reduce variability introduced with more hands-on, traditional processing
- Simple setup—prepare block, wash, and antibody solutions, load, program, and walk away
- Your protocols, your buffers—no specialized reagents or protocols needed
- Antibody recovery—recover antibody for reuse in future experiments, if desired
- Find your match—>200,000 primary antibodies with broad species and application coverage
- Extensive testing—Advanced verification with demonstrated specificity and sensitivity
- Enhanced reproducibility—take advantage of >10,000 recombinant antibodies
If you need an everyday solution to analyze a broad range of protein expression levels, an exceptionally sensitive substrate, or a solution for quantitative western blotting, we have the right chemiluminescent substrate for you.
Reagents, buffers and fluorescent conjugated antibodies for optimal fluorescent western blotting analysis.
- Fast Protein Labeling—mix, label and image gels or blots
- Flexible visualization—UV or green fluorescent light
- Total Protein Normalization—broad linear dynamic range (1–80 µg)
- Choice—wide variety of HRP-conjugated and Alexa Fluor secondary antibodies with a range of host and target species
- Excellent multiplexing abilities—detect multiple proteins at the same time with the largest selection of Alexa Fluor dyes available
- Higher signal-to-noise ratio—up to 5.8 times higher signal-to-noise ratio with Alexa Fluor Plus
- Smooth imaging experience with minimal effort—simple, clean touchscreen interface with logical workflows, complete with a suite of automated features
- The core imaging capabilities that you need—fluorescent blot, chemiluminescent blot, protein gel, and DNA gel imaging
- The special application capabilities that you want—image membrane stains, 2D strips, TLC plates, colorimetric blots, colony plates, perform total protein normalization and more
Everyday essentials for western blotting success
Limit the variables in your experiments by using dependable products from one trusted source.
Speed, performance and convenience
Our gel welcome packs are cost-saving bundles that contain all you need for outstanding protein separation
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Total protein normalization
Total protein normalization (TPN) for quantitative western blotting analysis offers several advantages over traditional housekeeping protein-based (HKP) normalization. One optimal protein labeling reagent for TPN is the No-Stain Protein Labeling Reagent. TPN using No-Stain Labeling Reagent exhibits good linearity of response within the concentration range typically investigated (1–80 µg of protein load). The wider dynamic range prevents the loss of valuable quantitative data due to signal saturation, a common occurrence with HKP normalization. TPN using No-Stain Labeling Reagent simplifies experimental design, helping save time and resources. Unlike HKP normalization, there is no need to verify that the expression of housekeeping proteins remains unaffected by the treatment. No-Stain Labeling Reagent is particularly well-suited for TPN due to its rapid labeling protocol, and compatibility with downstream transfer and immunoblotting. It enables sensitive and stable signal detection down to 20 ng of proteins, allowing for accurate quantitation of protein expression levels.
Learn more about TPN with No-Stain Labeling Reagent
Multiplexed fluorescent western blotting
Multiplexed western blotting is a powerful technique that offers several advantages over traditional western blotting. Its ability to simultaneously detect and quantify multiple proteins within a single sample helps increase efficiency, improves accuracy, reduces costs, and enhances data quality. It is advantageous when investigating complex biological pathways involving proteins with diverse molecular weights. The simultaneous detection of multiple protein targets in one experiment reduces experimental variability and is an excellent choice when the sample volume is limited or when analyzing large sample sets. Fluorescent western blotting requires careful planning and experiment design. Selecting the right products from the start reduces optimization and troubleshooting time and helps ensure the success of your experiment.
Design your next multiplex western blotting experiment
Fluorescence western blotting—Two-part application note
If you are new to fluorescence-based western blotting or if you want to maximize the outcome of your multiplexing experiments, this two-part application note includes best practices, troubleshooting tips, and easy-to-apply protocols.
Fill out the form to get access
Protein Electrophoresis and Western Blotting Handbooks
The Protein Gel Electrophoresis and Western Blotting Handbooks are comprehensive, easy-to-use guides covering every procedural step from sample prep to imaging and data analysis.
Get the handbooks
Western blot learning and troubleshooting
Whether you are new to western blotting, or an experienced researcher wanting to confirm your knowledge, access our educational tips and resource materials to help with every aspect of western blot analysis.
Access western blotting learning center
Western blotting tips, tricks and troubleshooting guide
No bands, too many bands, blotchy blot? This guide shares valuable insights to help solve and avoid these and other common pitfalls researchers encounter when performing western blotting.
Download your copy of the guide
Videos Discover the new ways to do western blotting with our how-to videos. |
Protocols Find recipes for buffers, stock solutions, and general western blot protocols. |
Troubleshooting Overcome western blot difficulties with our troubleshooting guidance. |
Protein Research Essentials Sampling Program
Try before you buy. Request one of our top performing western blotting and protein biology products to find the right solutions for your unique protein. Simply select your product of interest and fill out the form.
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