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Main Office

One Lambda, Inc.

22801 Roscoe Blvd
West Hills CA 91304

Tel: +1 747 494-1000
Toll-Free: +1 800 822-8824
Fax: +1 747 494-1001


Product Sales & Services

(Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM PDT)
Tel: +1 800 822-8824 option 4, 1

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Tel: +1 800 822-8824 option 1
Fax: +1 800 992-2111
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Technical Support

(Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM PST/CET)
Tel (PST): +1 800 822-8824 option 2
Tel (CET): +49 3302883-426
Toll-Free (CET): 00800 6200-000

Regional Offices


BmT GmbH (One Lambda)
Tel: +49 21 59 6789 0
Fax: +49 21 59 6789 11
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Thermo Fisher Scientific
Tel: +(86-21) 6865 4588 ext 2077
Cell: +(86-185) 1630 6609
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Hong Kong

Thermo Fisher Scientific
Tel: +852 3107 7600
Fax: +852 2567 4447
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