Thermo Scientific™

ImmunoCAP™ Venom Allergens

Catalog number: 14434001
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Thermo Scientific™

ImmunoCAP™ Venom Allergens

Catalog number: 14434001
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Quantify specific IgE antibodies with the ImmunoCAP™ Venom Allergens, essential tools to aid in the diagnosis of allergic conditions. IgE antibodies appear in human serum and plasma as a result of sensitization to a specific allergen. Measurement of circulating IgE antibodies provides an objective assessment of sensitization to an allergen. In general, low IgE antibody levels indicate a low probability of allergic disease, whereas high antibody levels to an allergen show a higher correlation with an allergic disease.
Catalog Number
Unit Size
Common Name
European hornet
Scientific Name
Vespa crabro
10 Tests
Price (USD)
Full specifications
Scientific NameVespa crabro
Regulatory StatusFDA Cleared
Code TypeVenom
Common NameEuropean hornet
Quantity10 Tests
Unit SizeEach
Catalog Number
Unit Size
Common Name
Honey bee
Scientific Name
Apis mellifera
16 Tests
Price (USD)
Full specifications
Scientific NameApis mellifera
Regulatory StatusFDA Cleared
Code TypeVenom
Common NameHoney bee
Quantity16 Tests
Unit SizeEach
Catalog Number
Unit Size
Common Name
Yellow hornet
Scientific Name
Dolichovespula arenaria
16 Tests
Price (USD)
Full specifications
Scientific NameDolichovespula arenaria
Regulatory StatusFDA Cleared
Code TypeVenom
Common NameYellow hornet
Quantity16 Tests
Unit SizeEach
Catalog Number
Unit Size
Common Name
White-faced hornet
Scientific Name
Dolichovespula maculata
16 Tests
Price (USD)
Full specifications
Scientific NameDolichovespula maculata
Regulatory StatusFDA Cleared
Code TypeVenom
Common NameWhite-faced hornet
Quantity16 Tests
Unit SizeEach
Catalog Number
Unit Size
Common Name
Common wasp (Yellow jacket)
Scientific Name
Vespula spp.
16 Tests
Price (USD)
Full specifications
Scientific NameVespula spp.
Regulatory StatusFDA Cleared
Code TypeVenom
Common NameCommon wasp (Yellow jacket)
Quantity16 Tests
Unit SizeEach
Catalog Number
Unit Size
Common Name
Paper wasp
Scientific Name
Polistes spp.
16 Tests
Price (USD)
Full specifications
Scientific NamePolistes spp.
Regulatory StatusFDA Cleared
Code TypeVenom
Common NamePaper wasp
Quantity16 Tests
Unit SizeEach
Catalog Number
Unit Size
Common Name
Scientific Name
Bombus terrestris
10 Tests
Price (USD)
Full specifications
Scientific NameBombus terrestris
Regulatory StatusASR
Code TypeVenom
Common NameBumblebee
Quantity10 Tests
Unit SizeEach
Showing 7 of 7
Catalog NumberSpecificationsUnit SizeCommon NameScientific NameCodeQuantityPrice (USD)
14434001Full specifications
EachEuropean hornetVespa crabroi7510 TestsRequest A Quote
Scientific NameVespa crabro
Regulatory StatusFDA Cleared
Code TypeVenom
Common NameEuropean hornet
Quantity10 Tests
Unit SizeEach
14414301Full specifications
EachHoney beeApis melliferai116 TestsRequest A Quote
Scientific NameApis mellifera
Regulatory StatusFDA Cleared
Code TypeVenom
Common NameHoney bee
Quantity16 Tests
Unit SizeEach
14422301Full specifications
EachYellow hornetDolichovespula arenariai516 TestsRequest A Quote
Scientific NameDolichovespula arenaria
Regulatory StatusFDA Cleared
Code TypeVenom
Common NameYellow hornet
Quantity16 Tests
Unit SizeEach
14422101Full specifications
EachWhite-faced hornetDolichovespula maculatai216 TestsRequest A Quote
Scientific NameDolichovespula maculata
Regulatory StatusFDA Cleared
Code TypeVenom
Common NameWhite-faced hornet
Quantity16 Tests
Unit SizeEach
14452501Full specifications
EachCommon wasp (Yellow jacket)Vespula spp.i316 TestsRequest A Quote
Scientific NameVespula spp.
Regulatory StatusFDA Cleared
Code TypeVenom
Common NameCommon wasp (Yellow jacket)
Quantity16 Tests
Unit SizeEach
14452601Full specifications
EachPaper waspPolistes spp.i416 TestsRequest A Quote
Scientific NamePolistes spp.
Regulatory StatusFDA Cleared
Code TypeVenom
Common NamePaper wasp
Quantity16 Tests
Unit SizeEach
14527010Full specifications
EachBumblebeeBombus terrestrisRi20510 TestsRequest A Quote
Scientific NameBombus terrestris
Regulatory StatusASR
Code TypeVenom
Common NameBumblebee
Quantity10 Tests
Unit SizeEach
Showing 7 of 7
ImmunoCAP Specific IgE offers the laboratory:
  • Truly quantitative measuring range from 0.1 to 100 kUA/L
  • Intra-assay CV (%) comparable to routine clinical chemistry immunoassays
  • Excellent consistency over time, and between countries, systems, labs and persons
Expected test values
ImmunoCAP Specific IgE detects IgE antibodies in the range 0.1 to 100 kUA /l, where A represents allergen-specific antibodies. The result is reported quantitatively. In clinical practice, 0.35 kUA /l has commonly been used as a cut-off. A large number of studies have been performed to evaluate the clinical performance of ImmunoCAP Specific IgE tests in allergy diagnosis. Clinical performance is expressed as sensitivity, ranging from 84 to 95%, and specificity, ranging from 85 to 94%. Sensitivity and specificity were reported from multi-center studies including several hundred patients tested for a range of different allergens.
  • Specimen collection and preparation
  • Use serum and plasma (EDTA or heparin) samples from venous or capillary blood
  • Collect blood samples using standard procedures
  • Keep specimens at room temperature (RT) for shipping purposes only
  • Store at 2–8°C up to one week, otherwise store at –20°C
  • Avoid repeated freezing and thawing

Note: Blood samples for testing ImmunoCAP drugs and venom should be collected during or close to the event, preferably not later than 6 months after exposure. If the test result is negative and an IgE-mediated reaction is still strongly suspected, it is advisable to draw a new sample and repeat the test at 5 to 6 weeks.

The presence of specific IgE antibodies is useful to identify the allergens that elicit symptoms and signs of allergy in patients with respiratory allergic diseases including asthma, food allergy, and anaphylactic sensitivity.

Knowing IgE antibody levels provides guidance to clinicians to:
  • Identify offending allergens
  • Tailor advice to individual patients
  • Indicate development of tolerance (food allergy, specific immunotherapy)
  • Inform optimized individual medical treatment plans
  • Refer to specialists appropriately
  • Evaluate whether or not specific immunotherapy is an option

Specific IgE testing also aids in the identification of patients at risk of:
  • The allergy march – a progression of skin symptoms to respiratory symptoms
  • Severe symptoms including asthma exacerbations – a progression of mild symptoms to severe symptoms
  • Progression of recurrent symptoms to persistent symptoms

As in all diagnostic testing, a definitive clinical diagnosis should be made by the clinician after evaluation of all clinical and laboratory findings.


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