
PureLink™ PCR Purification Kit

Número do catálogo: K310002

PureLink™ PCR Purification Kit

Número do catálogo: K310002
Número do catálogo
Tamanho da unidade
250 preps
Preço (BRL)
Preço 3.760,02
Seu Preço
Número do catálogo
Tamanho da unidade
50 preps
Preço (BRL)
Preço 816,57
Seu Preço
Número do catálogoTamanho da unidadePreço (BRL)DisponibilidadeQuantidade
K310002250 preps
Preço 3.760,02
Seu Preço
K31000150 preps
Preço 816,57
Seu Preço
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The PureLink PCR Purification Kit provides a more convenient, rapid, and high-yielding purification process compared to other companies' kits. After PCR amplification, purification of the PCR amplicons is required for many common downstream applications, including enzyme digestion, ligation, sequencing, and labeling experiments, to prevent enzymes (polymerase, restriction enzyme) and reaction components (dNTPs, primers, buffers, salts) from carrying over, contaminating, and negatively influencing the downstream experiments.

Advantages of the PureLink PCR Purification Kit include:
• 4X binding capacity compared to Company Q; 40 μg for the PureLink kit versus 10 μg from other companies' kits
• No need for tedious sample pH adjustments necessary with other kits
• Convenient and rapid protocol, completed in less than 10 minutes
• Optional size-selection buffers included for selectively purifying 300–600 bp fragments or removing fragments <300 bp

The PureLink PCR Purification Kit is based on the selective binding of dsDNA to silica-based membrane in the presence of chaotropic salts. Simply mix the PCR product with Binding Buffer and apply to the PureLink Spin Column. The dsDNA binds to the silica-based membrane in the column. Remove impurities by thorough washing with Wash Buffer. To purify the DNA, elute the dsDNA in low-salt Elution Buffer or water.The purified PCR product is suitable for automated fluorescent DNA sequencing, restriction enzyme digestion, and cloning.


Elution Volume Max
50 μL
High-throughput Compatibility
Not High-throughput Compatible (Manual)
Purification Time
15 min.
250 Preps
Run Time
10 min.
Shipping Condition
Room Temperature
Starting Material Volume
≤100 μL PCR product, or ≤40 μg dsDNA
40 μg (Binding capacity)
For Use With (Application)
Standard PCR, DNA Sequencing, Restriction Enzyme Digestion, Nucleic Acid Labeling, Cloning
Final Product Type
PCR Amplicon
Isolation Technology
Silica Spin Column
Sample Type
PCR Products

Conteúdo e armazenamento

• 72 mL Binding Buffer B2; room temperature
• 109 mL Binding Buffer High-Cutoff B3; room temperature
• 80 mL Wash Buffer W1; room temperature
• 15 mL Elution Buffer; room temperature
• 5 x 50 PureLink PCR Spin Columns with Collection Tubes; room temperature
• 5 x 50 PureLink Elution Tubes; room temperature


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