Thermo Scientific™

Accessories for MaxQ™ 7000 Water Bath Shakers

카탈로그 번호: SHK7000-48
Thermo Scientific™

Accessories for MaxQ™ 7000 Water Bath Shakers

카탈로그 번호: SHK7000-48

Put Thermo Scientific™ Accessories for MaxQ™ 7000 Water Bath Shakers to use to increase the utility of MaxQ 7000 Water Bath Shakers. With exceptional innovation, reliability and accuracy, Thermo Scientific MaxQ 7000 Shakers, Platforms and accessories are the optimal choice for your busy lab.

카탈로그 번호
제품 사이즈
Mobile cart
제품 정가(KRW)
전체 사양
제품 유형Mobile Cart
설명Mobile cart
용도(장비)MaxQ 7000
Unit SizeEach
카탈로그 번호
제품 사이즈
Stainless-steel gable cover for temperatures up to 90°C
제품 정가(KRW)
전체 사양
제품 유형Gable Cover
물질Stainless Steel
설명Stainless-steel gable cover for temperatures up to 90°C
Unit SizeEach
카탈로그 번호
제품 사이즈
Plexiglas™ gable cover for temperatures up to 65°C
제품 정가(KRW)
전체 사양
제품 유형Plexiglas™ Gable Cover
설명Plexiglas™ gable cover for temperatures up to 65°C
용도(장비)MaxQ 7000
Unit SizeEach
카탈로그 번호
제품 사이즈
Cooling coil for near-ambient temperature and below (requires a circulating chiller)
제품 정가(KRW)
전체 사양
제품 유형Cooling Coil
설명Cooling coil for near-ambient temperature and below (requires a circulating chiller)
용도(장비)MaxQ 7000
Unit SizeEach
카탈로그 번호
제품 사이즈
Auxiliary platform suspension arms for rapid platform changes
제품 정가(KRW)
전체 사양
제품 유형Auxillary Platform Suspension Arms
설명Auxiliary platform suspension arms for rapid platform changes
용도(장비)MaxQ 7000
Unit SizeEach
카탈로그 번호
제품 사이즈
Movable dolly for underLab bench operation
제품 정가(KRW)
전체 사양
제품 유형Movable Dolly
설명Movable dolly for underLab bench operation
용도(장비)MaxQ 7000
Unit SizeEach
6 / 6 표시
카탈로그 번호사양제품 사이즈설명제품 정가(KRW)
SHK7000-48전체 사양
EachMobile cart연락처 ›
제품 유형Mobile Cart
설명Mobile cart
용도(장비)MaxQ 7000
Unit SizeEach
SHK7000-30전체 사양
EachStainless-steel gable cover for temperatures up to 90°C연락처 ›
제품 유형Gable Cover
물질Stainless Steel
설명Stainless-steel gable cover for temperatures up to 90°C
Unit SizeEach
SHK7000-32전체 사양
EachPlexiglas™ gable cover for temperatures up to 65°C연락처 ›
제품 유형Plexiglas™ Gable Cover
설명Plexiglas™ gable cover for temperatures up to 65°C
용도(장비)MaxQ 7000
Unit SizeEach
SHK7000-37전체 사양
EachCooling coil for near-ambient temperature and below (requires a circulating chiller)연락처 ›
제품 유형Cooling Coil
설명Cooling coil for near-ambient temperature and below (requires a circulating chiller)
용도(장비)MaxQ 7000
Unit SizeEach
SHK7000-40전체 사양
EachAuxiliary platform suspension arms for rapid platform changes연락처 ›
제품 유형Auxillary Platform Suspension Arms
설명Auxiliary platform suspension arms for rapid platform changes
용도(장비)MaxQ 7000
Unit SizeEach
SHK7000-45전체 사양
EachMovable dolly for underLab bench operation연락처 ›
제품 유형Movable Dolly
설명Movable dolly for underLab bench operation
용도(장비)MaxQ 7000
Unit SizeEach
6 / 6 표시

Put Thermo Scientific™ Accessories for MaxQ™ 7000 Water Bath Shakers to use to increase the utility of MaxQ 7000 Water Bath Shakers. With exceptional innovation, reliability and accuracy, Thermo Scientific MaxQ 7000 Shakers, Platforms and accessories are the optimal choice for your busy lab.


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