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Whole Allergen

f303 Halibut

f303 Halibut Scientific Information


Whole Allergen

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Latin Name:

Hippoglossus hippoglossus

Other Names:


Clinical Relevance

IgE-mediated reactions

Skin-sensitivity, anaphylaxis and other symptoms related to food allergy have been reported.

A large, oceanic flat fish sometimes weighing several hundred kilos. The larger fish can be 30 to 35 years old. Halibut is most often frozen but is sold fresh in markets near the fishing areas.

Sera from 2 patients with anaphylactic sensitization to halibut and tuna were studied to assess cross-reactivity with 16 other fish species (1). The IgE binding patterns were more similar as the taxonomical relationship became closer. Skin sensitivity to halibut has been reported (2). Repeated episodes of food-allergic symptoms and anaphylaxis after eating halibut were reported in an early study (3)

Molecular Aspects


Species within groups of fish, like Gadiformes (examples: codfish and hake) and Scombroid fishes (examples: mackerel and tuna) seem to share allergenic components. The overlap of allergen specificity between the groups seems to be moderate or even small.

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Last Reviewed-  April 2022

  1. Frick, OL; Barker, S. Allergenicity among different food fish species studied by western blotting. J Allergy Clin Immunol; 1989; 83: 295.
  2. Stricker, WE; Anorve-Lopez, E; Reed, CE. Food skin testing in patients with idiopathic anaphylaxis. J Allergy Clin Immunol; 1986; 77: 516-519.
  3. Golbert, TM; Patterson, R; Pruzansky, JJ. Systemic allergic reactions to ingested antigens. J Allergy; 1969; 44: 96-107.