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Whole Allergen

f325 Sheep's milk

f325 Sheep's milk Scientific Information


Whole Allergen

Display Name:

Sheep's milk

Latin Name:

Ovis spp.

Other Names:

Sheep's milk


Allergen Exposure

Sheep's cheese, and other dairy products.


Unexpected exposure

Sometimes included in infant formulas.

Route of Exposure


Sheep's cheese, and other dairy products

Unexpected exposure

Sometimes included in infant formulas.

Clinical Relevance

Sheep’s milk is sometimes recommended as a substitute for cow’s milk in atopic children. However, 15/16 cows´s milk allergic patients had IgE antibodies against sheep’s milk. Crossreactivity with cow’s milk was confirmed in RAST® inhibition (1). Serum albumin and caseins show homology to the corresponding proteins of cow and sheep (2). Milking sheep can cause IgE mediated respiratory problems in milk allergic individuals (3).

Molecular Aspects


Crossreactivity between sheep's milk and cow's milk and whey might be expected.

Milk from other related animals.

Compiled By

Last Reviewed : June 2022

  1. Bernard, H; Wal, JM; Creminon, C; Grassi, J; Yvon, M; Houdebine, LM. Sensitivities of cow’s milk allergic patients to casein fraction of milks from different species. Allergy; 1992;47: 306.
  2. Spuergin, P; Walter, M; Schiltz, E; Deichman, K; Forster, J; Mueller. Allergenicity of a-caseins from cow, sheep, and goat. Allergy; 1997; 52: 293-298.
  3. Vargiu; A; Vargiu, G; Locci,F; Del Giacco, Del Giacco, GS. Hypersensitivity reactions from inhalation of milk proteins. Allergy; 1994; 49:386-387.