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Whole Allergen

t55 Scotch broom

t55 Scotch broom Scientific Information


Whole Allergen

Display Name:

Scotch broom


Fabaceae (Leguminosae)

Latin Name:

Cytisus scoparius

Other Names:

Scotch broom, Common broom, English broom, Broom tops, Irish tops, Basam, Bisom, Bizzom, Browme, Brum, Breeam, Green broom

Environmental Characteristics

Worldwide distribution 

Scotch broom is a perennial, leguminous shrub native to western and central Europe, from the Iberian Peninsula north to the British Isles and southern Scandinavia, and east to Poland and Romania. It has been introduced into several other continents outside its native range and is classified as a noxious invasive species in many countries, including the US (on the East Coast and in the Pacific Northwest), South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. It typically grows to 1-3 m tall, with main stems up to 5 cm thick. It has green shoots with small deciduous trifoliate leaves 5-15 mm long. Its long, slender, erect and tough branches grow in large, close fascicles, making it apt for broom-making.(1)

In spring and summer, it is covered in profuse golden-yellow flowers 20-30 mm long and 15-20 mm wide. In late summer, its seed pods mature, becoming black, 2-3 cm long, 8 mm broad and 2-3 mm thick; they burst open, often with an audible crack, spreading seed.

There are 2 subspecies. Scotch broom is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant.

The twigs and branches are used for making brooms and also for basket-work. Parts of the plant have been employed medicinally, and are thought to be diuretic and cathartic

Clinical Relevance

IgE-mediated reactions

Anecdotal evidence suggests that asthma and hayfever are possible following exposure to pollen from this plant; however, no studies have been reported to date.

Other reactions

Attempts have been made to develop biological controls in affected areas, using Broom-feeding insects, e.g., the psyllid Arytainilla spartiophylla, the beetle Bruchidius villosus, and the moth Leucoptera spartifoliella. Since allergic reactions have been reported to these insects, they should be considered as potential allergens in individuals thought to be allergic to pollen from this plant, but in whom specific investigations are negative.

Molecular Aspects

No allergens have been characterized.

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Last Reviewed : June 2022

  1. Weber RW. On the Cover. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2009;103(3):A4.