17 Nov 2020

Marker Based Watershed Recipe

A recipe for applying a Marker Based Watershed (as in the Segmentation Editor) from the Project View.


The Segmentation Editor provides the functionality to apply a marker-based watershed leading to connected regions.

The recipe presented here offers this same functionality, but in the Project View: it computes the gradient image automatically and expands the labels so that the output regions are connected. The recipe offers the option to use either the fast mode or the repeatable mode for the Marker Based Watershed step.

Note: there might be very minor differences in the results compared to using the Segmentation Editor tool, especially when using the 'fast' mode of the recipe.

The recipe can be executed, or edited, through the 'Image Recipe Designer' workroom or 'Image Recipe Player' module (or 'Image Volume Processing' module for versions prior to 2022.2). The first input 'Data' is expected to be the grayscale image, whereas the markers image should be provided as secondary input.