Real-time PCR performance you can count on, data you can trust

Applied Biosystems PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix is a preformulated, optimized, and universal 2X master mix for real-time PCR (qPCR). This master mix is designed for exceptional performance to address even the most challenging qPCR applications. With features including a dual hot-start mechanism, contamination control, 72-hour benchtop stability, and broad instrument compatibility, PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix is designed to deliver reliable results for all your gene expression analysis, NGS library quantification, and other quantitative analysis applications.



Key features of the PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix include:

Dual hot-start approach for greater specificity

Provides exceptional specificity and helps prevent undesirable early activity of the polymerase at low temperatures, which can lead to non-specific amplification.

72-hour benchtop stability

Room-temperature stability for up to 72 hours after plates are prepared for qPCR.

Excellent reproducibility over a wide dynamic range

Allows for greater statistical significance when analyzing low-abundance transcripts and smaller relative differences in expression.

Broad instrument compatibility

Compatible with standard or fast cycling.


Get results in less than 60 minutes with standard cycling or less than 30 minutes with fast cycling.

Contamination control

Inclusion of UNG and dUTP degrades any previously amplified PCR products and helps prevent contamination of subsequent qPCR reactions.

Sample data

Superior specificity

PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix contains proprietary Dual-Lock Taq DNA Polymerase enzyme, which uses a combination of two hot-start mechanisms to control its activity. Providing tight control over Taq activation, this dual hot-start approach helps prevent undesirable early activity of the polymerase at low temperatures that can lead to non-specific amplification. Formulation of the Dual-Lock Taq into a convenient 2X pre-mix containing an optimized buffer system, proprietary additives, and detergents further improves the specificity of PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix.


In an evaluation of 24 different primer sets with PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix, a single melt curve was obtained in 100% of reactions without the need for primer optimization or redesign. The high specificity of the PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix allows you to spend less time and money optimizing and redesigning primers to get high-quality data.

Melt curve analysis and comparison

In an evaluation of 24 different primer sets with PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix, a single melt curve was obtained in 100% of reactions without the need for primer optimization or redesign. In contrast, nonspecific amplification was seen for some of the same targets in several competitors’ mixes as shown by multiple peaks in the melt curve.

Data figures showing high specificity with PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix along with comparison to competitive master mixes.

Stability of pre-assembled reactions for 72 hours

PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix, with its Dual-Lock Taq DNA Polymerase, has been shown to generate consistent performance in preassembled reactions for up to 72 hours. The stability of this mix provides users the flexibility of setting up plates prior to cycling without impacting results.


T-0 hr

T-72 hr



























Pre-PCR stability. Several targets were amplified using PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix from 1 ng human cDNA on an Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR System immediately following reaction setup and after 72 hours incubation at room temperature in the dark. Single melt curves were confirmed for these assays at both the 0 hr and 72 hr time points.

Superior reproducibility

Tight reproducibility allows for greater significance in analyzing low-abundant transcripts and smaller fold changes. PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix, with its dual hot-start Taq DNA polymerase, demonstrates excellent reproducibility over a wide dynamic range for a variety of targets tested.

Excellent reproducibility over a wide dynamic range

Quadruplicate reactions were run for 24 assays at 300 nM over two lots of PowerUp SYBR Master Mix on the Applied Biosystems 7900 Real-Time PCR System. Standard deviation of the Ct is plotted vs the Average Ct. (Average Cts >34 were excluded from this analysis.)

Data image showing 24 reactions; demonstrates excellent reproducibility over a wide dynamic range.

Reliable results across a wide dynamic range

Generating consistent amplification across a wide dynamic range is fundamental to qPCR methodology and use of the ΔΔCt method for gene expression analysis. Unlike competitor mixes that can exhibit inhibition at high cDNA inputs and low correlation coefficients over a dynamic range experiment, PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix efficiency is maintained over six logs of input to deliver maximum confidence in data quality.

Robust performance of PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix over broad dynamic range

Amplification curves were obtained for the PGK1 gene over a 6 log dilution series of human universal reference cDNA. Reactions were run in triplicate on an Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 7 instrument under cycling conditions according to manufacturer's recommended protocol. Competitor mixes demonstrated greater inhibition as evidenced by the shape of the curves and the narrowed spacing between the dilution points at the highest

Data images showing more consistent amplification in comparison to competitor master mixes.

Complete your workflow

Complete your qPCR workflow by pairing PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix with sequence detection primers: high-quality, unlabeled oligos for use with SYBR dye in all your real-time PCR research applications. Sequence detection primers are synthesized using the same raw materials and carefully controlled processes as our TaqMan probes, ensuring consistency and quality in every batch.

Ordering information

Catalog # Name Size Price (USD) Qty
A25741 Each
A25742 Each

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A25743 Each
A25776 Each
A25777 Each

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A25778 Each

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A25779 Each
A25780 Each

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A25918 Each

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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