Scientist examining results

One size doesn’t fit all

We understand that not all labs are alike. NGS applications and content need to be tailored for your lab’s needs. A one-size-fits all approach just doesn’t work, so we’ve developed a range of Oncomine Assays to cover the spectrum of panel sizes and purposes. We listen and we create solutions for the way you work.

A range of relevant and reliable Oncomine Solutions

Whether you work with DNA or RNA, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples, or blood, there’s a quality, proven Oncomine assay for all your pursuits.

  • Be assured that each panel’s content has been reviewed for highest relevancy
  • Obtain repeatable results with protocols and verification based on analyses of clinical research samples
  • Rely on consistent, quality-controlled analyses across large sample sets
  • Feel confident that our assays are optimized to maximize detection yield, provide timely results, and efficient cost per sample volume
  • Depend on our specialized application support teams for fast implementation in your lab

Next-generation solution for genomic profiling


Oncomine Solutions on the Ion Torrent Genexus System feature a complete NGS testing workflow. Now every lab can go from specimen to report in a single day, providing a comprehensive genomic profile at a speed never possible before. This allows you to deliver NGS results at the same time as other single-gene methods such as immunohistochemistry (IHC). With the lowest sample input requirement of any NGS solution, you can successfully sequence more of the samples that come through your lab.

See solution

Oncomine assays for FFPE tumor profiling

Target mutations spanning 50 genes and achieve enhanced fusion detection that covers multiple isoforms and novel fusions from DNA or RNA with FFPE or plasma samples.

Gain comprehensive biomarker insights spanning 500 genes and including biomarkers for Tumor Mutational Burden (TMB) and Microsatellite Instability (MSI).

Conduct concurrent DNA and RNA NGS analysis from FFPE samples, targeting 52 genes relevant to solid tumors. Detect SNVs, indels, CNVs, and fusions.

Conduct concurrent DNA and RNA NGS analysis from FFPE samples, targeting 143 cancer genes relevant to clinical cancer research. Detect SNVs, indels, CNVs, and fusions.

Focused, pre-designed cancer panels relevant for clinical cancer research that allow users to customize content


Oncomine assays for hematological profiling

Interrogate relevant DNA mutations and fusion transcripts associated with myeloid disorders in a quick and easy NGS run.


Oncomine assays for liquid biopsies

Conduct tumor type-specific NGS analysis from cell-free DNA and cell-free RNA.  Target genes relevant to lung, colon, and breast tumor samples.  Detect SNVs, indels, CNVs, and fusions, all from a single tube of blood.


Oncomine assays for immuno-oncology

Quantify somatic mutation counts to assess tumor mutation load with very limited FFPE samples.

Detect low-expressing genes from minimal FFPE RNA input. Span the range of 395 genes associated with immune response biomarker research.

Target the complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3) of the T-cell receptor (TCR) beta (β) chain to characterize immune status. Profile the T-cell repertoire and identify cytotoxic clones at the site of the tumor.

Investigate the T-cell immune repertoire by interrogating CDR1, CDR2, and CDR3 of the TCR beta chain. Measure TCR convergence to study prediction of response to immunotherapy.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.