Having difficulties with your experiment using TaqMan primers and probes?

We are dedicated to your success. Get back on track. View our expert recommendations for commonly encountered problem scenarios related to the use of TaqMan primers and probes.

View the relevant questions below:



You can check the paperwork that came with your order for the dye label of your TaqMan probe. Alternatively you can contact Customer Service at genomicorders@thermofisher.com with your order number if you cannot find the COA that came with your probe.

There are several reasons why a custom TaqMan probe may not be working. If the probe sequence is new and has not been tested before, please check for the following:

  • Run the probe with a positive control to check for amplification.
  • Were different concentrations of probe tested?
  • Is there any product visible on an agarose gel?
  • How was the probe designed? Was it checked for specificity for the relevant species?
  • Check that the probe reporter dye has been set correctly in the software.

If the probe sequence has been used successfully in the past, please check for the following:

  • Run the probe with a positive control to check for amplification.
  • Run a side-by-side test on the same plate with probe from a previous lot to rule out problems from sample or master mix.
  • Check that the probe reporter dye has been set correctly in the software.

If you suspect a problem with your custom TaqMan probe, please send your data and order information to techsupport@thermofisher.com so that we can review the issue further.

Sequence information would be provided on the COA or CD that arrived with the order. If you have lost the CD, you can contact techsupport@lifetech.com with your order number for sequence information.