NGS for rapid lymphoid genomic profiling

Specimen-to-report NGS in as little as 24 hours

Interact Reference Component

Comprehensive sequencing solutions

Choose from gold-standard Sanger sequencing technology and fragment analysis on the capillary electrophoresis (CE) platform to flexible and scalable next-generation sequencing (NGS) to help your clinical research lab realize its full sequencing potential.

How scientists use various sequencing technologies to answer the most challenging questions

When we studied how labs large and small utilize sequencing in their research we found just one thing in common: they all do it differently. The reality is, it usually takes a wide range of solutions to discover, validate and produce actionable results.

Data considerations for Human Genome Sequencing: Is Smaller Better?

Data analysis and data management are two areas that tend to get overlooked in the decision making process of which sequencing approach to choose.

As our knowledge of the genetics implicated in disease increases, the requirements to use a broad net to detect mutations in a limited sub set of genes reduces and gene panels will become the way forward as it will reduce the cost and data management burden.

Figure 1. CE and NGS techniques for research and applied markets.  Click image to enlarge

Choose Sanger sequencing to:

  • Study a small subset of genes linked to a defined phenotype
  • Confirm NGS variants
  • Detect minor allele fractions down to 5%
  • Read contiguous sequences up to 1000 bases

Choose NGS to:

  • Study diseases with higher levels of phenotypic heterogeneity
  • Make unbiased queries of a large number of genes to discover novel variants
  • Sequence up to 260 million reads per day

New to sequencing?

No matter which sequencing instrument you choose, we offer optimized reagents and consumables, intuitive analysis software, and world-class technical support.

Specimen-to-report NGS in a single day with two touchpoints

Ion Torrent Genexus System

Introducing the new Ion Torrent Genexus System

First turnkey NGS system that automates specimen to report workflow in a single day with just two user touchpoints.

In-house NGS is now more accessible than ever.

Learn more ›


Oncomine Solutions for Precision Oncology

Combine your lab’s immunohistochemistry (IHC) results with timely NGS to enable a comprehensive cancer profile in a single day

Learn more ›

Jose Costa video image

Video: Accessibility to in-house NGS

Dr. Jose Costa from IPATIMUP discusses current NGS implementation challenges in clinical research labs: it’s too slow, costly, and complex.

Watch the video to find out how the Genexus System helps overcome all of them. 

Learn more ›

Featured sequencing products

genexus-front-view (1)
Ion AmpliSeq On-Demand panels
SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer
SeqStudio Flex genetic analyzer

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.